Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    12-14 02:55 PM
    Time: 7 PM PST

    Conference Dial-In: (712) 432-3000

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  • kanaihya
    09-10 04:38 PM
    I live in busy locality in NY. I can help distributing the flyers (if u have any) to the people visiting to Indian grocery stores, temples and restaurant, I know.


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  • xyzgc
    02-08 01:50 PM
    I been a member of IV for a long time and just to keep myself anonymous for a while I created this account. I am so sorry for opening a thread in a completely irrelevant forum but I have no idea what to do. So, I request all the members to please help me by providing some kind of information.

    Here is my story:

    I came to US in 2002 and completed masters and been working since then. I got married couple of years ago. Whatever the monetary gifts the girls parents gave as part of the marriage, I put all that in an account on the girls name within 2 days of the marriage. We came to India and from then on the problems started. She and her parents want me to separate from my parents and support their family by sending money to their parents which I couldn't do. How can I leave my parents in their old age when they worked very hard to give a decent life. She has been harassing me mentally for this all the time. Recently her parents have been threatening me saying they will file dowry case in India if I don't send money or cut myself off from my parents. I provided for the girl in all possible ways, even encouraged her to join school to get a masters degree which she stopped soon. We had a baby recently and my parents visited us to help us with the baby. She started harassing them too by saying something or other.

    I am very frustrated at this situation and I don't know what to do. I am on H1B and applied for 485 too. At times I feel like applying for divorce but when I think about my little baby I am not able to take that step. The house we currently live in, I bought long before the marriage. It came to a situation where we cannot live together. I cannot ask her to go out of the house because she doesn't have anywhere to go and with the baby even if she leaves, it will be very tough. I said I will leave the house and stay in a apartment for which she threatens to commit suicide. So, I don't know what to do. I am worried about my baby because between all this my baby's life will be spoiled and I don't want that. Can anyone please tell me what I can do in this matter?

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this.

    When you hear incidents like this, its always like "girls are too much". On the contrary, when we hear of wives being beaten up by "educated husbands" boys are too much. This is all silly really.
    I have heard some indian females complaining all the time how males tend to dominate everywhere its not really true. In a relationship, anyone could be a dominant partner - male or female. Dominance also means responsibility and taking initiative. So its not all that bad. And it is certainly not a male prerogative!!

    Your case is a clear case of "external interference". Divorce is not a solution to cases like these. Its not like you are not getting along. You relationship is spoiled due to unwanted interference. Convince your wife that you and her always come first. You cannot make your parents happy at the cost of displeasing her and also the other way round.

    Stop trying to diplomatic and stop being a family-pleaser. If you don't like something, say it clear and upfront rather than pussy footing around it. I found that diplomacy does not work at all. It only sends wrong signals and eventually you end up putting a firm foot down, anyways.

    Get rid of the elders from your life. It means don't allow parents/siblings from either sides to interfere at all in any decision making. Get the inputs but make it clear its a joint decision made by husband-wife and they have no say in it. Don't allow your parents/in-laws to stay with you more than bare minimum necessary for the new-born.
    If it means making some career sacrifices, so be it. Its your baby and you need to take care of it finally.

    Retrospect - analyze what has gone wrong. Today, you find your wife is all wrong and you are all right but when you do the retrospect you'll find its not like that, in fact its never like that. Humans make mistakes and we must accept that.

    Stop sending money to parents and in-laws, if its possible. Otherwise, maintain parity by sending money in small amounts to both parents. Its stupid to say my wife is not working so she has no business to send money to her parents. Its so wrong and I'm surprised folks can think like this. Marriage is about sharing and even a child will tell you that. If the in-laws are any sensible they won't accept gifts from the son-in-law but its for them to decide.And stop receiving any gifts from either sides.

    If you are in the US, don't go to your home country unless its an absolute must. I found that every time I go there family and relatives end up giving tons of unsolicited advice. The intentions are good but I have to keep saying no (diplomacy doesn't work at all) and that gets very annoying eventually.

    Finally, if you have a career oriented working wife there are advantages to it. Its better to work instead of being a hopeless housewife.
    Yes, it also means you can't take things for granted but that's no reason you should end up with a sweet, traditional house wife who'll no longer be that way when hopelessness sets in.

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  • reddog
    09-15 05:32 PM
    Is this worth it, gctest and the 9 others who voted in the poll are people who have no values in life.

    And take a poll only for EB2 people who would not even want to relate to gctest or his ideas.

    I can guarantee that he is a supporter of Raj thackeray and speaks the same language.


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  • add78
    06-11 09:41 AM
    Even if one member donates $100 in one calendar year to IV, it will make a huge impact in your own cause. And that just comes to 27 cents a day!!!!. Think about how much you spend on a cup of coffee or that vending machine at work or tipping at restaurants or a hair salon, folks, I am sure you can set aside 27 cents a day to help your own cause. Please donate at least $100 in a year to IV. As you have already seen, this small investment does pay handily in rewards like July visa bulletin, Admin fixes, EADs and other numerous bills/fixes/reliefs.

    Donate generously, and get others to join IV.
    Thank You.

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  • pappu
    08-16 10:11 AM
    I happen to be a freelance writer (not a journalist). In response to this thread, I have penned a 2,700 word commentary on the current challenges titled "The Plight of Promise". In order to beef it up with some compelling statistics, can 5 or 6 people respond to this thread with anonymized details of their specific circumstances and how they are suffering. Keep it to 2 or 3 sentences. I will cull out required data points to make the case. For ex:
    - AD, a 31 yr old non immigrant worker from Poland with a wife and two kids. Unable to get into stage 3, meanwhile need to change my job and relocate to a specific city where my child's health needs can be taken care of. Unable to do so because...

    If anyone would like to get the final edited version, let me know. You will be free to republish it without copyright concerns, subject to attribution.

    Lastly, I will be spending a good amount of quality time in this matter. So, I will respectfully ask people to resist their desire to 'nit pick' the pieces. Constructive, candid feedback, of course, is always welcome!

    hastily, but sincerely,

    Thanks a lot for the post. pls PM me your contact email and phone and we will be in touch for help on some cases amongst IV members you can use for your piece.


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  • swadeshi
    08-10 09:00 PM
    I am sorry for posting in here, but I was wondering if someone actually went in person to the Houston Consulate to get their passport renewed. Also, do we need to have any reason to attend in person at the Consulate such as emergency, etc.

    I am from India and my passport is expiring on Aug 17. I read before in the forum that it is better to go in person to renew the passport. Any experiences please let me know.

    Thanks a bunch

    I went to NYC indian consulate got my passport renewed in a day! pretty easy but make u nostalgic abt standing line for cinema tickets!!!;)

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  • RNGC
    06-27 02:34 PM
    Excellent..Thanks very much for this ..George Will is very well know...he comes in ABC News This Week on Sundays.

    Building a Wall Against Talent

    By George F. Will
    Thursday, June 26, 2008; A19


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  • ashutrip
    06-22 10:35 PM
    Is it true that people who have applied in march are per on blog website.....March applications are on hold....they have divided the applications in two batches
    1. Jan thru March
    2. April thru June
    if its tru its bad news for we march guys

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  • fromnaija
    01-10 06:23 PM
    I came here at an old age compared to most of you on this forum. Now I have two kids in college and a third one waiting to enter next year. This is my sixth year here and I have no immediate plan of returning to my home country.
    Having a GC will ease the financial burden of seeing my kids through college. Thereafter, we plan on starting a family business that will export technology to my home country (all my sons are studying computer engineering) where opportunities are increasingly available for such ventures.
    My wife and I plan to retire and go back home (by which time I hope we would be US citizens). Towards that end we are building our retirement home in Nigeria. As for my sons, I have given up hope that they will ever return to Nigeria to live!
    I have two brothers who are already US citizens and have filed for our parents so I don't miss being with my parents as they come and go as they wish.
    So to me, the value of the GC will be to eventually get US citizenship, retire and be able to get my social security and medicare and finally go back home with the ability to visit my kids and grand kids in the future.


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  • axp817
    11-30 03:19 PM
    Another soft LUD on the 485 on 11/26.

    This is the 3rd soft LUD on the 485 (11/24, 11/25, 11/26) post sending AC21 and G28N documentation.

    485 status still says Case received and Pending.

    I hope this isn't followed by a denial, I have to travel outside the country in 2 weeks and it would be nice to not have to worry about this.

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  • 485Mbe4001
    07-21 01:46 PM
    It is certainly a good deal that we are able to file for 485 and we can enjoy the benefits of EAD/AP.

    Mark my words...when apply to renew your EAD and you are not sure if spouse can work when one EAD has expired and the other is in the process of being approved you will realize what we are trying to say...after you keep applying to renew AP/EAD beings to wonder if it was all worth it.

    In short, after we file our 485/EAD/APs we should work with IV and try to lobby for better laws...we should not be complacent and think our work is done, we crossed a small hurdle thats all.

    Stop Showing These Numbers, Assumptions... Alright You're Good In Mathematics.. #@#~! Vb Or C#... Whatever... Give Those People At Uscis The Benefit Of The Doubt... I Think They're Not That Dumb Like What You Think... Maybe You're Not Happy With You're Employer...cant Wait To Leave...


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  • sri1309
    08-14 02:06 PM

    Headless chicken.. You called me headless chicken .. how dare you.. :)

    Just kidding.. You are perfectly right.. Thats the right word and I have said the same even in my first post here. I would request again somebody from IV admin group to take the lead and gather all EB3 to one forum to make a difference. I see atleast 4-5 threads here with same topic.

    I would suggest the campaign can have "Visa number recapture, immediate greencard for anyone more than 5 years legally in the US, make all cases current, but apply the quotas at H1 or F1 levels and no limits at GC level. I have many ideas,. but we all must come together and ask just a couple of things or one (recapture) and fight for it. We can do other things too, but a flower campaign will not hurt. IN the worst case it will not make any effect.
    We can always send cards which is much easier than flower..

    Please come up with something and we can make some progress. Assuming OCt bulletin is coming out on Sep 10th, we have just 26 days to make any difference. That too it must reach them way in advance to effect any change. Lets set a deadline of Aug 25th and do it..

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  • ys2jax
    07-06 08:39 AM
    here is the link

    I cannot believe CNN is completely ignoring this story which appeared in NYT, WSJ, FORBES and a 100 other newspapers

    there was a serious security lapse in issuing green cards, FBI Security check was bypassed, the USCIS might have given the visa to even terrorists.

    why is CNN completely turning a blind side to this story, i am appalled by the CNN staff who choose to ignore this story.


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  • makemygc
    09-10 02:34 PM
    Rally is not this tuesday but next tuesday. Will that help you to come?


    Though small, I made my contribution ($100 via Google).

    I can't make it to the rally this tuesday but just trying to do whatever I can to support the cause.

    Good luck,

    Manish Jain.

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  • NKR
    04-02 08:26 AM
    that might be your attitude. some people have a different opinion and dont like to bend over when circumstances try to screw them. If you pay for something and get a lemon you might be ok with living with it and moving on, saying its non-refundable. Many others dont share that view. They'll fight for a replacement, a fix, some solution to the problem.

    If all you can do is bend over, then move on, you are wasting your time on IV.

    Ouch, that got to hurt. Mr D.E.D. why are you inviting dard. why don't you just disco?.


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  • lc1978
    09-10 11:59 AM
    Google Order #208807257950866

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  • UKannan
    03-03 04:37 PM
    Everyone feel like giving up but none of us give up :)

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  • jungalee43
    04-30 09:53 AM
    I am sad to see people posting messages on �inevitable future of CIR�, �US political system is broken�. But they don�t consider it important to contact their senators and follow IV�s instructions on making phone calls. Please understand the need of the hour and don�t waste time in making judgments or making predictions. Just follow what IV core is asking you to do.
    Just call, call and call. I am starting my second round of calls.

    11-05 05:04 PM
    So far lot of discussions on how to start LLC/Inc
    but how to start a company without changing current status

    Here is my status:

    My wife and I are on H1 and we got our EAD's now the question are:-

    My wife remains on her H1 for safe....until we get GC.

    Is it possible me to stay on H1 and start a LLC using my EAD to do a parttime business ?

    Please provide Pros and cons if any.....


    06-24 03:16 PM
    Do not complain, mine is RIR PD Oct. 2001 and still waiting. I think they should hire someone with brain to handle the missmanagement, like an H1 visa holder. Ooops, I forgot, cap already reached till Oct 2007.

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