Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • santb1975
    05-22 01:24 PM
    Thankyou. You are our first contributor after our relaunch.

    Wandmaker - I will add your name to the list tonight

    I just sent a check of $100 via online bill payment to IV. I've also set up recurring contribution checks of $25 every month beginning June. I strongly believe in IV's cause and hope that many folks will come forward. This is the time to act to help ourselves, otherwise we'll be left behind. Keep up the good work.

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  • Omg!Is SELENA GOMEZ Pregnant

  • looneytunezez
    04-30 03:11 PM
    I just called and left message with the aide at Senator Dianne Feinstein.
    She said that Senator is supporting the bill, and appreciates my support.

    Next I plan to start calling other senator's office as well.

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  • GTGC
    09-13 07:52 PM
    Press Release sent to

    Star TV Asia

    Buffalo News

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  • Is Selena Gomez Pregnant

  • skv
    08-12 02:55 PM
    Hi Lonedesi and team,

    I wish, I could move forward on this, unfortunately my employer a financial firm , will not sign or support the DHS Form 7001 due to legality, instead I can just send the letter by E-mail or mail to Ombudsman's office ?

    Does it make sense ? Please advise.

    Thank you!


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  • boldm28
    09-22 06:16 PM

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  • snathan
    02-09 09:03 PM
    Rather than dreaming and wasting your time by predicting the future visa bulletin...

    Please contribute


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  • Selena Gomez is all smiles as

  • susie
    07-15 11:18 AM

    Here is one draft, not sure if it is the final draft and still checking, but this gives you and idea of our thoughts

    Dear Rep./Sen./Readers

    Expat�s Voice: Representing the Expat Community

    We at Expat�s Voice ask for your support in achieving genuinely comprehensive and fair immigration reform.

    Our organization represents thousands of members who have legally immigrated to the United States, including immigrant and nonimmigrant visa holders, and those that are awaiting immigration. The diversity of our membership means we truly understand first hand the problems with the current immigration system.

    We commend the work of the Government in attempting to bring in much needed reform. However, the rights of many, specifically of children and of legal immigrants are being overlooked, and we want to bring the pertinent issues to your attention.

    First, we ask for a much needed compassionate visa. Many of our members, due to immigration related reasons cannot leave the country without repercussions for their visa status. They have elderly Parents and other relatives in seriously ill condition. Similarly, our own families have not been allowed to enter the USA on a compassionate basis. My own husband passed away last year, but my son was refused a temporary visa to pay his last respects because of problems with �immigrant intent.� The US Embassy showed no compassion or common sense. Yet due to the unfairness of the system, many families have to suffer this type of humiliation on a regular basis as a result of the system, largely because of reasons of mere technicalities. This has to change.

    Second, we support all measures that protect children. They are innocent in the whole immigration process whether brought to this country legally or illegally. The US Government has failed repeatedly to bring the Dream Act to fruition. We ask that ALL children, whether having entered the USA illegally or under legal nonimmigrant status, who can bring so much benefit to this country�s future be recognized and protected as soon as possible. There is ambiguity as to whether the Dream Act protects all children the meet the criteria or only illegal children; if it is the latter it needs to expanded to cover legal migrant children, whose Parents have respected and abided with US immigration laws. In addition, the legislation would not prevent certain nonimmigrant dependent (such as E dependents) from aging out at 21 unless they meet certain criteria. Therefore, we also ask for an amendment to the Child Protection Status Act of 2002 (CSPA), if not in the Dream Bill, to prevent these families from being separated when the child reaches 21.

    Third, many children �age out� due to the long waiting periods involved with family-based petitions. The Child Protection Status Act of 2002 (CSPA) was intended to address many of these issues, but the legislation has simply failed in this aim. Many of our members are now stuck in their country of residence, despite their Parents and younger siblings having already immigrated to the USA. The CSPA was designed to ensure children who aged out were awarded earlier priority dates associated with their previous petition to prevent being forced to the back of the line with a new petition and new priority date (and, when taking into account the waits associated with both the original petition and the subsequent petition after aging out, this can cause waits in excess of 30 years). However, the failure of the USCIS to apply this law correctly, because of an ambiguity in the way section 3 (INS, section 203(h)) is drafted, and the fact no visa advisory opinion nor any rules have been issued after four and half years since the CSPA was enacted, means many families remain separated.

    Fourth, many of our members are E2 and L1 visa holders. They contribute millions of dollars to the US economy and provide employment to many American citizens. However, despite being in this country legally and providing many benefits, they are treated like second class members in the USA. Our E2 members have to return to their country every two years to renew their visa, with no guarantee of visa renewal putting their investment and the American employees at serious risk. This is compounded with severe delays in visa processing times, particularly in London. Despite providing these benefits, often for more than a decade, it is very disappointing that our members do not have a direct path to citizenship. What is even more surprising is that despite having abided by and respected US laws, it is the illegal immigrants who stand to directly benefit from the Strive Bill with a direct path to permanent residency and citizenship.

    Our members, many of who are British citizens, feel cheated by the US Government. Much is spoken of our �special relationship,� but in practice it seems the rights of illegal immigrants take priority. Further, many have suffered from poor treatment by immigration and enforcement officials, but we remain patient and respectful. As an organization we are neither for nor against the rights of illegal immigrants. We simply ask that our commitment and duty to this country be recognized with at least equal reward and that you support Rep. Heather Wilson�s proposed E2 Nonimmigrant Investor Adjustment Act of 2007. We do, however, believe the 3,000 proposed figure will create a backlog of investor immigrants and so urge you to remove the proposed cap, or support a larger number and/or also introduce an annual increase to meet market demand.

    In sum we ask you for fair reforms: to recognize the principle of family reunification through amendments to the CSPA; to reward those who abide by and respect US laws to at least the same level as those that don�t; to treat the children with compassion and open arms by giving them an opportunity to remain in and benefit this great country; and to show compassion and prevent humiliation to many thousands of families, by allowing family members to be with their loved one on a temporary basis in their time of need and often in their last moments, both in the USA and outside the USA.

    For more information please also visit us at We have also included an appendix discussing the issues more fully with draft amendments and explanations to provide solutions to the above issues.


    Mrs. S Ward
    For and on behalf of
    Expats Voice

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  • aau
    07-12 11:22 AM
    In VA can we extend Driving License with receipt notice of h1 extension .


    I went to the VA DMV in Sterling yesterday and the person there refused to renew my DL based on my original H1B extension extension RECEIPT Notice, saying there is no 'Date' on this document. :mad: These ppl are too dumb. It says clearly on DMV's website - they will give you a 1 yr extension IF there is no date on that document. Need to take a lawyer and paralegal along next time... :confused:

    BTW, how did you manage to do this??


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  • amits
    07-18 10:20 PM
    Good to see more and more people contributing.

    Come on people, now we are in the same boat.
    For many of us, GC journey is just started. All of us have seen how difficult it was to cross the first tide that shattered our lives for 15 full days - can we forget the 15 days of darkness (2nd-17th July)?... We've heard the agonizing stories of those who're on this boat for years now. With the backlogs and all, this journey is far from over from them too..

    This journey will have many more painful and frustrating tides...
    We have many adversaries who are united and resolved not to let us succeed.

    IV rescued us this time, it helped us in overcoming the first tide.
    Now we need to strengthen it for the future. Your small contributions made today will go long way.

    Just imagine, if we are successful in making a change that allows using 200000 wasted visa numbers, then it can shorten the wait time by, probably, an year or two. And this is just one example. Legal immigration system requires many more improvements. It will not happen unless we've some representation and unity. IV provided that platform to us.

    If we're not united and potent, then many bills are waiting to harm us. There are big-shot politicians, media people and groups who are doing whatever they can to harm us. We've witnessed and they've not stopped it. They are relentless..

    We cannot be a sitting duck for them.

    Lets contribute to strengthen IV - our group, our support and our united front in this tidy and turbulent GC journey.


    Now, we have a VOICE - ie ImmigrationVoice ...
    Strengthen it, so that those making decisions can hear our problems - LOUD and CLEAR.


    You guys are awesome.. !!


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  • meimmi
    03-10 10:14 PM
    This is a very interesting topic. Can someone please clarify what are the pros/cons of C-corp vs S-corp? Is both treated as LLC?


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  • Selena is not pregnant.

  • needhelp!
    11-09 01:47 PM
    I am sure there are so many others like you. I hope all these affected individuals will set up appointments with their congressman to tell them how their system is playing with our lives.

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  • sayantan76
    01-05 11:21 PM
    Ok then, why did you come to America to study at Duke? Why did you spend all this money? The reason our people invest crores of rupees in American education is that it is better.

    You people seem to be too nationalistic. Even with the comments about quotas. Affiirmative action with 52% of all seats being reserved based on caste? You call this fair?
    I dont think anyone is arguing that american schools are not good enough.......they certainly are - specially with the kind of tuition fees people pay to get into these schools. Besides - people coming here for education does not necessarily mean its better - lot of people come here for the international exposure - lot of good students from around the world do indeed congregate here for education - combination of good schools, openness, english as common language....all these have contributed to the historical greatness of america - does not make your motherland any worse!

    Look at quotas as a way to bring in factors other than just your score in a standardized India that factor might be caste - here it might be affirmative action in favor of some sections of society and other subjective factors like essays, letters recommendation, the fact that you were a cheerleader in high school etc.....look, i am not saying quotas is a great system - but all i am saying is that there are shortcomings in selection systems in schools around the world not just India.


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  • cpbaherwani
    06-03 11:29 AM
    Mailed a check for $100 today.

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  • gc_bulgaria
    01-05 10:53 PM
    Ok, so I saw the video. I am confused by his analogy and I am a scientist. Maybe it is the lack of data analysis and graphics he keeps referring to. He is not a great speaker. I stopped watching it midway.

    BTW, I am a student from a so called 'garbage' Indian education system and a graduate of Duke University.:p

    Go figure!


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  • GCneeded
    10-16 01:12 PM
    Like many immigrants, I moved to USA in search of American Dream. With a degree in Computer Science and valuable experience, I thought I could pursue my ambition to excel in my field, while also fulfilling my American Dream. My dream of America was about freedom. Freedom of working at niche companies, living a comfortable life, earning higher wages than what I used to earn in my Home country. What started out as a dream has turned to a nightmare. Like many others I came to USA on H1-B and wanted to convert to a permanent resident. The process, which used to take 2-3 years, has turned to uncertainty. The path for Permanent residency has been entangled in complicated government laws and bureaucracy. I had to wait in line for 4 years just to get my labor application approved and now I am struck in another queue of retrogression. I moved from my country; because I did not want to wait in line at Ration shops, bus stops. I wanted to escape from the lines, but now I am struck in a bigger line with no end in sight.

    Whenever there is a discussion about immigration, People always assume it as about illegal immigration. So I have to keep reminding people that there is another side to immigration. Legal immigration. The issues of legal immigrants have been ignored and been buried in the midst of illegal immigration controversies. When I send letters to House Representatives/Senators about the problems of legal immigrants, they reply back about increasing H1-B numbers. Legal immigration is NOT just about just increasing H1-B. Also the anti immigration groups publish that people on H1-B don�t pay taxes. But we pay taxes, Medicare and social security like all other American citizens. With the current immigration laws, we might not be even to avail the benefits of these taxes.

    The facts of the legal immigrants

    � We are NOT here to take American jobs. We fill those positions when a suitable American citizen was not found
    � We PAY TAXES like any other American citizens
    � We are here legally. The government has assessed our qualifications and education.
    � According to Economic Report of the President, 2006 - Legal skilled immigrants increase productivity growth and improve the standard of living for the U.S. population as a whole.
    � According to Economic Report of the President, 2006, skilled immigrants constituted 76% of the employment growth in the Executive, Managerial, Professional (e.g., Scientists, Doctors) and Technical (e.g., Health and Science Technicians) categories from 1996 to 2002.
    � According to Annalee Saxenian, �Silicon Valley's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs,� Public Policy Institute of California, 1999, in 1998, Chinese or Indian CEOs ran 24 percent of Silicon Valley�s technology firms. These companies accounted for over $16.8 billion in sales and 58,282 jobs. These numbers may still understate the scale of immigrant entrepreneurship in the region because firms started by Chinese or Indians with non-Asian CEOs were not counted.

    We are being backlashed by the congress and the anti immigration groups, even though we are highly skilled, well educated and staying legally. We have done nothing but help America in its economic growth and in its quest for innovation and technology. Now we are being punished for being here legally and law abiding by putting us in retrogression. We cannot get Salary hike, or promotions when our green card is in process. So while my American colleagues have moved to greener pastures, I am struck here at the same job and same salary. People struck in green card process cannot open new ventures. The new ventures would open new jobs and increases America�s competitive edge in innovation and global leadership in technology. If American congress does not act at this point of time, there will be a �BRAIN DRAIN�. People fed up with retrogression have already started looking at other countries like Australia, Canada who are welcoming high skilled immigrants with open arms and easy migration laws. As for me I have invested my prime youth for my American dream and hope American government will embrace high skilled immigrants like me. Rep. Shadegg has tabled H.R. 5744, SKIL bill for legal high-skilled immigration. This bill would reduce the current wait time for getting the green card. I sincerely urge congress to pass SKIL bill which will reduce the wait times and help high skill immigrants help America to sustain it�s edge on technology and global innovation.

    We are getting more calls for op-eds and need more IV members to pitch in and write articles.

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  • sbdol
    07-20 10:46 PM
    I must say I was really shocked !
    What the argument would one bring against recapturing of the lost visas ?
    People who are in the line will eventually get their greencards although going through much more suffering. So from the point of view of anti/proimmigrants the amendment does not change anything in the long run.

    If they were concenred about H-1Bs that part could be debated and split from the visa recapture issue.

    I wander how would many answer inevitable questions from the press about word & dead discrepancies. Practivally everybody who opposed CIR claimed that they suppor legal immigration but do not want to encourage those who broke the law and came here illegaly. It's like a movie where the truth reveals in the most unexpected form.
    Well at least they have shown their true faces now.


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  • mps
    03-04 01:22 PM
    Doesnt seem like anything is cooking at TSC! I-140 and I-485 still shows

    "On Oct 1st 2007 we received....blah blah blah...."


    Hi gcisa*:

    I have not seen any LUDs on my case either.
    Status is same as yours.
    That shouldn't be a big deal, as I have seen some approvals with no LUDs at all.

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  • black_logs
    04-25 01:14 PM
    Guys let me clearify it. We cannot change our agenda at this point . It is not an option. We have done 1000's of hr discussions with QGA and so many meetings with various Senators and Congressmen to get our agenda finalized. Adding something new to our agenda is not an option. But this is a very healthy discussion going on here. Pleople can send personal comments and ideas to the lawmakers. This is surely a very good suggestion.

    . I agree. Also, since F1 is not a dual intent visa this will not hold water. Anyways this is a ridiculous demand. We are not the law makers and we should consider ourselves lucky that couple of IV's amendments are in a few of the senator�s bills, though there are no guarantees if they will be included in the final text or let alone be passed. We should only push for what is already include in the 2 bills and not confuse everyone every time one of us comes up with this "brilliant" idea of using H1B entry date as priority date. So what's the next amendment we want� include the day I first envisioned that I will come to America as the priority date. WE NEED ONE VOICE and we have already been heard so let�s stick to what is practical and push those amendments through.

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  • qualified_trash
    06-01 10:00 AM
    she is not stupid!! she is right. Your GC and H1 is being sponsored by the employer not by you. All documents etc are indeed the property of the employer. It is the employer's responsibility to keep you updated of any changes in your status.

    04-30 10:10 AM
    Good info....cant wait to see what they have to say....

    05-02 02:32 PM
    I don't see Visas Recapture bill going any where.

    It seems USCIS wants to potray that they are doing great job by doing various Process improvements. USCIS indirectly wants to say that eventually USCIS process will be improved to the extent that there will be no Visas wasted.

    I think this was the most straight forward and simple bill. Other bills like removing the country limit are more challenging.So I don't see anything happening from immigration point unless democrats take over both senate and House in late 2008.

    Hope for any legislative changes only in 2009 and beyond and not in 2008.

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