Saturday, June 25, 2011

shakira pique 2011

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  • manugee
    09-10 03:07 PM
    I meant to say next tuesday. Though I'm still trying to adjust my plans...

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  • baburob2
    03-16 11:23 AM

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  • digital2k
    05-07 04:20 PM
    It feels great to have called everyone and making sure friends call as well ..

    Pls Don't wait any longer, pick up your phone and be part of it NOW
    Make sure you motivate others also
    Let those phones be busy for the GOOD

    For your convenience here are all the details : (

    This is The call
    Don't miss the chance

    IV and We suceeded in July, 2 Year EAD and many more ...

    Pls pick up the phone and do your bit

    IV is YOU and is Your Best Friend

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  • PD_Dec2002
    06-01 04:10 PM
    But this generally applies to people affected by retrogression. If one isn't affected by retrogression, applies for I-140 after 5/15/2007 and gets green card before 10/1/2008 (which is possible) then that person should be ok, is that right?

    My guess is that while processing the I-485, they will check the filing date for the I-140. If it was filed before May 15th 2007 and the PD is current, they will process it. If it was filed after May 15th 2007, then they won't process the I-485 since the I-140 is invalid.



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  • GoGreen
    08-11 10:13 AM
    How many of us contribute to IV in terms of time, $ etc.
    and how many are some free riders?

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  • sandy_77
    06-24 03:17 PM
    I suggest that you write at least two articles. First one should focus on our problems and costs involved at each stage for the current 5-7 years waiting period. A lot of guys out there against immigration do not currently know exactly how tuff it is these days to get a visa and come to US. Just imagine if somebody came to US on a student loan and was not able to get a job because of these visa problems as has started to happen over the last couple of years, how much financial burden he will have and how long it will take him to pay off these loans. explain how visa applicants are harassed buy the consulates, USCIS/DHS/DOS, lawyers, employers just because they can. Had everyone who came to US to study or work on his/her own merit been given a green card like visa as and when they wanted it, he/she would not be exploited, they would compete with any american citizen for a better pay (taking away the argument from the anti-immigrants that we are displacing the citizens by being underpaid). This I think would have taken away the argument that we are over populating the US or that we are immigrants for ever (not assimilating in the mainstream) because then we would be part of the mainstream and those who do not want to live in US forever (a significant number of people...leading to reduced immigration) could go back when they wanted. Look for all the problems we have to face on a day-to-day basis and ask whether we are asking more than some basic human rights and are we wrong in asking for these rights. Isn't it also one form of injustice when we are paying for medicare/social security without getting any benefits? Isn't it injustice when we cannot progress in our careers when we are stuck in this endless and ever increasing GC delays? Isn't it injustice when we are equated with the illegal immigrants? Isn't it injustice when we are asked to renew our status by paying ever increasing fees and endless documentation when there is no need unless one has left the country on his own and wishes to return? Does the country really need skilled immigrants and if it does why can't it allow them to live with some basic human rights and dignity. By denying the new immigrants these rights, dignity is the US promoting new-age slavery and forcing even the legal immigrants into shadows and back alleys of the society? Explore why some legal immigrants have to resort to illegal status (school going kids, family life, friends...age at which they migrate changes their social circle) when they cannot stay in status by legal means.

    Once you have explored and educated your article readers about our situation, they will have a better understanding of what we are requesting the US govt is lot illegitimate and may even encourage some illegal immigrants into going the legal way.


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  • Jaime
    09-12 03:12 PM

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  • makemygc
    07-06 01:01 PM
    My lawyer told me that they are working on something to accept all applications which reached on july ... lets hope he is right.

    Dude enough of your and your lawyer's crap. I just checked your last post. This is what you claim your lawyer said and this was posted couple of days back.


    I called my lawyer he said the are accepting applications which reached there before 12:15. does anybody have news like that or he just lying....


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  • trueguy
    08-14 11:40 AM
    Mr. Ron Gotcher believes that it means "Mexico F2A and [Mexico] employment third preference cut off dates.� Had they meant Worldwide, they would have said so explicitly".
    Relax guys.:)

    Mexico EB3 has been Unavailable since last 2 months so why USCIS will make a special comment about that country.

    I am sure DOS is referring to entire EB3 Category in their Sep'08 Visa Bulletin. No hopes for EB3-I if PD goes back to Apr'2001 again.

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  • joydiptac
    03-13 02:44 PM
    Hi guys,
    In my college days, I was returning to Varanasi(ITBHU) after spending Holi at my Aunts place in Delhi. It was warm, so I tried with all my might to open the stuck glass window next to me. I tried and tried, gave up... only to try again, to open the damned window. Finally, with help from my neighbours I was able to get the window open. Nice cool air came in. Everything was perfect. Then suddenly it happened. The train was entering Ghaziabad, there were these slumdogs aiming cow dung at the train. Needless to say, I got hit and totally covered with shit literally. :eek:

    Here I am again trying hard to open the window of opportunity... GC, for the fresh air of freedom to enter my life.
    Is all this delay a blessing in disguise? Food 4 thought.
    B'Happy... B'Informed...B'Khush


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  • 9years
    10-21 09:08 PM
    You are correct, it took around 10 months. From prevailing wage to labor approval. 2 months I mean filing actual labor application to approval.

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  • vdlrao
    02-23 04:08 PM
    I am expecting about a year forward movement for EB2 India in April 2009 bulletin.


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  • Alien
    04-25 01:01 PM
    So what happens to people who already have a PD based on the labor(LC) date?

    I dont want to go a step back in the line just cuz someone who had been lethargic all his life just woke up on his last day of his 6th year and goes "Ohh you know what I think I might be interested in a GC" ,when I had planned or had the *intent* to apply for a GC a few years before by applying for LC.

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  • mirage
    08-04 11:59 AM
    I'm telling them my condition, and I know there are lot of people in the same boat. Again you need to talk to the lawyer about GC cost. Emplyee can bear all the GC related cost.
    EAD/AP 360*2 + 305*3(Spouse + son) is almost 2K.
    If your facts are different put that in writing and send it to them. Please stop telling me my facts. Also I have no idea why you are on this thread, please ignore this thread if it doesn't apply to you...

    I suggest you talk to your lawyer first. The cost of Labor and I-140 should be borne by the employer as they are employer's petitions.

    2K for EAD and AP this year alone! Let us see how many people on this forum has spend that much on EAD and AP. Paying high legal fees is NOT a basis to seek remedy.

    That was your choice.

    H1/H4 and Green Card processing are not related to each other. H1 is for current job and GC is for the future job.

    One hand, you are saying guessing and still insist that it is based on facts.


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  • amitjoey
    07-05 05:09 PM
    called CA senators, as I am outa state they said they are not entertaining outa state calls at this point...huh!!
    They only do this when call volume is high....Does this mean at least CAlif guys are calling..

    Go IV go@@

    Call your state senators, it is effective that way.

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  • ocpmachine
    09-08 11:46 AM
    On my recent visit to Bangalore, i got in touch with a real estate developer(who is also a far relative), here is what he told me. First thing any developer does is to put up a website with some pretty pictures of layout and details like floor plan, location etc. This is the first step in attracting NRI's, he told me when he talks to NRI's, the first question they ask is the URL of the project. No wonder, most of the RE developer in recent times have a website, some of the website are a joke with absolutely no details and the rosy pictures of moon, lakes, birds, parks etc :-))

    80% of his customers are NRI's, 10% are local goonda's/politician and rest 10% are common people...I was surprised to hear that some NRI's have bought/booked plots just by looking at the website and remitting money from USA...what happened to old school days of personally visiting, checking paperwork,Vaastu, getting opinions of relatives/friends before buying anything...what is the hurry here is beyond me???

    I feel, this whole RE market in INDIA is a scam where RE developers are playing a game and targetting NRI's who are easy a prey...


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  • willwin
    09-12 10:49 AM
    Let us continue a debate on
    a) Pros of this idea
    b) Cons of this idea
    c) Alternative we might have.

    Also, please do not get emotionally attach to an idea let democratically select that is best for the community.
    Please limit to those ideas that are executable and within the bounds of law.

    In my opinion, we should do this:

    Just send two information to USCIS, DOS, President, VP, First Lady and all Congress person of the following:

    1. 1st info should have a photocopy of our degree certificate(s). On the same page, print your expereince in years and total tax paid till date to the US government.

    2. On a fresh page, type in all the H1B/L VISA approval information and type in bold, we were wanted/invited here legally (and admitted via H1/L).
    And, mention that our I140 is approved which means the immigration department has validated our eligibility to become PR.
    Ask a question (larger font) on the same page, why keep us on limbo?

    This would keep the whole thing short and sweet. We are explicitly saying that we are legals. And we were invited here - legally. We are approved by immigration team to be a PR.

    If we could send couple of thousands of letters, I am sure it would have impact as much as any other letter we have in mind.

    We are not humiliating them, we are just expressing our frustrations but in mass. May be we can say something like, "Legal Techie slaves in the land of liberty" or "Immigration process that enslave Legal Techies". But, we should keep it short.

    As always, ignore this idea if you guys dont like it.

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  • h1techSlave
    05-15 06:03 PM
    I have recently tried to explain them the EAD/485-pending concept and failed.

    At the end, they waived their commission of 1%, so that I don't have to pay that amount.

    The bank is GMAC.

    this is a bank owned property, and there is a pre-condition that we should use their bank for the loan.

    Wondering how to explain the VISA situation in a way they would understand.

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  • Vsach
    03-13 09:05 PM
    :confused:Dear All,

    I am still on H1 (not utilized EAD), the visa on my passport expired last year. Planning to visit India next week, should I be getting a visa stamped or use AP?



    06-28 02:35 PM
    I got my certified yesterday 6/27
    EB-2, India, Atlanta feb 21'07

    All the best !!! Good to know.

    07-18 05:54 PM
    I am not sure if the guy with PD 2001 will get the number first as against one with PD 2006 when everything is "C" in the example you presented.

    Past data, experience from my acquaintances, official NSC statements as well the SOP clearly indicates the contrary.

    priti8888, What is the USCIS 485 processing date in your senario?

    Your Receive Date is a factor but PD is also a big factor, if limited number available.

    If two person has submitted their application. One has PD 2001 and RD June 10 2007 and other had PD Jan 2006 with RD May 1 2006.

    USCIS 485 Processing Date: June 15th 2007 and Visa Bullitin has "C"

    Still PD with 2001 will get the the number first before PD 2006 case.

    485 RD < USCIS 485 Processing date and PD < Visa Bulletin date
    Order by PD desc

    hope this help

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