Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • manderson
    09-25 10:38 PM
    i think AC21 doesnt impose a limit on the number of hops ...

    can u provide source where u saw this?

    i never saw such a limit anywhere but i wouldn't be surprised if frequent job-hops raise red-flags during adjucation.

    i am also interested in the post-AC21 continued employment issue (indianguy's original question)


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  • chanduv23
    09-12 01:58 PM
    These are all good thoughts but what u are suggesting takes some time.
    The issue has two legs:
    Leg 1: Process fix
    Leg 2: Increasing number of greencards

    What I am talking about is leg 1 and what you are talking about is for leg 2
    and both are required.

    I am not discouraging you for taking initiative - I am for it - let this be the first step towards doing something - but looks like we lack directive and path of execution.

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  • gjoe
    01-06 08:39 AM
    Yes. Nalanda Univerisyt is one of the oldest. If you consider the 80% of education system we follow, they are all gifted by brts.
    Ex: English... the way we speak and use the language is like brit.

    Irony,,, Nalanda University is being revamped (I think structure wise) by Japan government.

    If you want to credit GE with the invention of light bulb it is ok if you think so because the the bulbs and light fixtures are made by GE ;)

    BTW if a thief robs your house and leaves behind his knife you can call it a gift. The owner of the house has a right to think so. :)

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  • a1b2c3
    08-16 08:13 PM
    Thanks for posting the doc. What is the source of this doc?


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  • desi3933
    09-15 11:49 AM
    Mujhe to aam kahne se matlab hai... (As long as the visas are available, I don't care):D

    I am with you and willing to share the cost.

    Good Luck.
    Abhi to saare aam khatam ho gaye hai.
    (Translation - Right now all the visa numbers are gone for your PD).

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  • desi485
    11-17 04:07 PM
    desi - I am not sure how we do that but I personally think if we ask such a thing we are letting USCIS send us denial notice even though they must not send it.

    I absolutely agree with you that in first place, CIS MUST NOT revoke 485 when a person changes to similar job after 485 is pending for more than 180 days and 140 has been already approved.

    IV is already running the campaign to send letters (I did send mine) and hopefully it will get us good results.

    However, we should still know what happens to EAD in such unfortunate event. Many AOS candidate, specifically from retrogressed countries may have gone beyond 6 years of H1B and may not get H1B extended based on this pending 485. or many must be working on EAD as many employers are not willing to sponsor the H1B. In this case, knowing the validity of EAD will surely helps.

    Meanwhile, here is another RG thread ( found, clearly talks about this issue.


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  • chi_shark
    04-10 12:48 PM
    hey, how about doing something a la steve jobs. each post should cost $0.99. ??? what say?

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  • digital2k
    05-03 07:58 PM
    This is The call
    Don't miss the chance

    IV and We suceeded in July, 2 Year EAD and many more ...

    Pls pick up the phone and do your bit

    IV is YOU and is Your Best Friend

    As the CIR bill outline is getting introduced today, we all need to do our share in making our voice heard. Our issues are real and affect about a million people patiently waiting in line for past several years. We are high-skilled immigrants who have followed all the rules and contribute significantly to the innovation and economy of this county. Our strength is our grassroots efforts, so let us all call our lawmakers and ask them to take immediate action on the immigration bill.

    Call your Legislators:

    Immigration Voice is organizing a nationwide call-the-lawmakers drive. We request members to call each and every senator and congress member. This drive will precede the �Advocacy Day(s)� in Washington, DC and �Meet the lawmaker� drive in local districts. Members can use this phone call conversation with their local lawmaker offices to follow-up with lawmakers when they meet during the break just after the Memorial day.

    Don�t miss this opportunity:

    This is the perfect time to call the lawmakers. The bill needs a push via support from people like us and all lawmakers needs to be encouraged and urged to help us. There are indications that there will be lot of activity on immigration issues in both House and Senate after the Memorial day. We need to make those activities go in our favor and not die like the CIR bill in 2006 & 2007. Thus it is important to starting calling lawmakers, starting from the Senate members. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, it is very important that everyone calls every lawmaker of this country. The similar next opportunity will be in 2013. We can participate now or we will all have ourselves to blame.

    This campaign starts today at 4:00 PM EST on 29th April, 2010) (Today) and will run until the end of next week. All IV members are encouraged to make multiple phone calls whenever they find some time during the day.


    This is the order in which we would prefer that members call. Call all the senators listed here, even if they are not from your state.

    This is the list of offices where there is maximum potential to swing votes either because they are new in the US senate or because they may be reconsidering their position on CIR if the bill has stricter provisions in it.


    Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)
    (202) 224-4543 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************(202) 224-4543******end_of_the_skype_highlighting

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire)
    (202) 224-3324

    Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
    (202) 224-4814

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming)
    (202) 224-3424

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
    (202) 224-5972

    Senator John Ensign (R-Nevada)
    (202) 224-6244

    Senator Orin Hatch (R-Utah)
    (202) 224-5251

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-2934

    Senator John Kyl (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-4521

    Senator Mitch Mcconnell (R-Kentuky)
    (202) 224-2541

    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota)
    (202) 224-3244

    Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)
    (202) 224-6154

    Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana)
    (202) 224-2644

    Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia)
    (202) 224-4024

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)
    (202) 224-2921

    What you could say to the Senator offices listed above:

    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:

    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bill due to be introduced later in the day today.

    I am calling to express my support for the high skilled provisions to resolve the current green card backlogs of the doctors, engineers, research scientist and professors etc. This group of highly skilled immigrants stimulates every part of the economy participating in creating economic prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship for creating more jobs in America.

    I strongly urge the Senator to please support this bill. If it is possible, could you please share the position of the Senator on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill?

    Thank you and I am counting on the Senator�s support for this very important bill of national priority. Please convey regards to the Senator.
    If you belong to the constituency (State) of the lawmaker, then tell them that you belong to their district/state and are calling to seek their help. If you are talking to a Senator office then tell them you are anxiously waiting for a Senators support for the immigration bill.

    - Then ask: What is the lawmaker�s position on this bill/issue for you? If the position is
    - Supportive: Then thank the lawmaker office for it.

    - If they oppose it: Then request them to support the high skilled green card provisions of the bill that will greatly help you. You sincerely hope that the lawmaker will reconsider his/her position and help you.

    - Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Question What if some Senators say they do not support amnesty. -

    Answer "For last 10 years there has been no High-skilled immigration bill passed by the Congress. The world has changed in last 10 years. I understand that the Senator is a champion for creating more jobs in America. Employment based green cards will create jobs in America. I want to start my own company and hire people in America. But I cannot do that if I don't have a green card.

    I would sincerely request you to please convey to the Senator if he would consider supporting some version of the immigration bill
    giving more weight to green cards and creating jobs in America, or maybe the Senator could lead the effort for improving the proposal"


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada)
    (202) 224-3542

    Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois)
    (202) 224-2152

    Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
    (202) 224-6542

    Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
    (202) 224-4242

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (California)
    (202) 224-3841

    Senator Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
    (202) 224-4744

    Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)
    (202) 224-4524


    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:
    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bill due to be introduced later in the day today.

    Thank you for the Senator�s leadership on this very important issue of immigration. Please convey my gratitude, full support and regards to the Senator.

    - Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Stick to the message and you will really make a big difference.

    Please post the outcome of your call on this thread. For more information please contact IV.

    Thank You,

    Immigration Voice


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  • santb1975
    06-02 03:17 AM
    No contributions today

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  • desi chala usa
    07-11 09:22 AM
    I know many people have their priority dates current since past few months but still they are waiting for I-485 approval. Hope this should not be scam to issue the EAD for only a year instead of two years.

    Almost two years jump is unbelievable specially we know big numbers of Perms filed during 2005 and mid of 2006.


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  • nandakumar
    05-29 02:34 PM
    vadicherla has contributed $100 and updated the old contribution thread...

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  • carbon
    08-15 02:04 PM
    America has always been a favorite destination for immigrants. In the past, labor jobs were abundant and there were enough immigrants to do those jobs. This mutual dependency contributed to the growth of the United States making it the fastest growing industrial nation in the world. Things have changed, labor immigrants have been replaced by high-tech and skilled immigrants, but two things have not changed. 1. America depends on immigrants to sustain growth and 2. Immigrants come to America to fulfill their dreams. This 300 year old interdependence is very important yet under appreciated by the lawmakers.

    Skilled workers of foreign nationality are well educated, creative and ambitious individuals. They act as a �steroid� for the nation. They charge the nation with prosperity and growth. Generally countries depend on their younger generation and hope that they will become highly productive and good citizens contributing to the growth of their nation in future, however only few countries are blessed with the strong stream of immigrants with highly desirable qualities to make progress today, not tomorrow. It seems America is highly blessed in that regard. But unfortunately the lawmakers don�t seem to recognize how fortunate their country. Following facts support my observation:

    1. World has entered information and biotech age. India and China has the biggest technological talent pool
    waiting to settle down in USA, yet the immigration quota for these countries is locked to extremely small
    and fixed number for decades due to half-century old laws. The laws does not take reality into account.
    2. In the days of online stock trading, visa processing is still done at extremely slow pace.
    3. The positive impact of immigrants has been taken for granted.
    4. Immigration is considered a charity rather than an important factor in country�s growth. The attitude is not right.

    If such ignorance continues in the United States following will happen:
    1. Innovation will slowdown. It has already begun.
    2. Technology companies will migrate to India and China.
    3. Large scale outsourcing will occur for technological and knowledge based jobs.
    4. Stock indexes will move south, as there won�t be many attractive places to invest money. High profits normally come from high growth companies and today�s high growth companies come from technology sector.
    5. Tax revenues will decrease, which will affect all government activities including defense and public education.
    6. The effects of illegal immigration will become severe as American�s will compete for low wage �blue collar� jobs as a result of outsourcing.
    7. Severe retrogression in immigration will not allow skilled workers to settle down or adapt to ever changing skills market. It will hinder the growth of each skilled worker due to lack of long-term planning, long-term investments and developments. These people will not be able to plant the trees that can reap the fruits for generations to come.
    8. The effect of not having skilled immigrants in the country will not be zero , but it will be negative and counter-productive as most skilled workers will go back to their home country and instead of contributing to the growth of America , they will compete.
    9. National moral level continues to decrease as more American citizens are going into jails than good foreign nationals coming in!

    All these effects will be slow in the beginning, but will be visible when it will cross the �tipping point�. A place from where there is no return.

    The solution:
    Remove the limit on immigration quota for technology professionals for 5 years to solve current retrogression crisis. There after update the quotas (increase or decrease) every year to keep delays constant at 1,2 and 3 years for EB1,EB2 and EB3 categories respectively.

    In my view, 5 million well educated and talented legal immigrants are always better for the country than 5 million illegal immigrants. Its better to rely on technology to improve American life style than on illegal immigrants to do cheap labor.


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  • Sampath7768
    07-18 03:51 PM
    Hello All,

    Some food for thought.

    As I understand we (i.e IV) has 21000 members and 14000 active members. If even each active member contrubute $ 20 per month, that would be $ 420,000 per month or about $ 5 Mn per year.

    Imagine the miracles that we can do with that kind of fund!! And I am damn sure that we can afford $ 20 per month. Cost of few gallons of gas per month.

    Non contributing, active members! Please wake up atleast now and do some soul searching!!!

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  • immm
    07-18 06:00 PM
    I have not received the physical receipt notice yet. But the online case status says "On July 11, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION" even though it was physically delivered and signed at Nebraska Service center on June, 15th. I will post once I get the physical copy of receipt notice to update every one.

    May be some others that have already received the physical copy of receipt notices can clarify the difference between the receipt date on the notice vs. the online status that says ""On July 11, 2007, we received..."

    UPDATE: shreekhand's post above from moments ago seems to have answered this question.

    What does it say on your I485 receipt notice?
    For example.. my app was mailed on 5/31 and RD on receipt notice is 6/4 and Notice date is 6/6 and Online case status says received on 6/5. I assume 6/5 is when USCIS created an entry for my case and 6/6 (my checks were also cashed on 6/6) is when receipt notice is actually generated. Some one correct me if I am wrong.
    My application was sent on June, 14th and delivered on June 15th (I have the FedEx tracking info and signature page confirming 6/15).

    The case status online based on receipt number (obtained by calling them a few times until I got lucky) says:
    "On July 11, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case."

    Not sure if the online status is referring to the receipt date or the notice date when it says "On July 11, 2007, we received" when, in fact, they received it on June 15th!!


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  • fromnaija
    01-10 06:23 PM
    I came here at an old age compared to most of you on this forum. Now I have two kids in college and a third one waiting to enter next year. This is my sixth year here and I have no immediate plan of returning to my home country.
    Having a GC will ease the financial burden of seeing my kids through college. Thereafter, we plan on starting a family business that will export technology to my home country (all my sons are studying computer engineering) where opportunities are increasingly available for such ventures.
    My wife and I plan to retire and go back home (by which time I hope we would be US citizens). Towards that end we are building our retirement home in Nigeria. As for my sons, I have given up hope that they will ever return to Nigeria to live!
    I have two brothers who are already US citizens and have filed for our parents so I don't miss being with my parents as they come and go as they wish.
    So to me, the value of the GC will be to eventually get US citizenship, retire and be able to get my social security and medicare and finally go back home with the ability to visit my kids and grand kids in the future.

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  • Libra
    09-11 09:39 PM
    thank you waiting_gc and chiku_singhal for your contributions.


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  • chocolate
    06-03 03:49 PM
    If you are eligible to file I-140/485 now then how come you are stuck?

    Remember nothing has become law yet..

    MY employer is a consulting company and i had a rfe to my h1 extension for 8th yr so he wants to wait to answer rfe , then get approval and next file for next stages. I have tried all the ways to make him file and not able to.I just hope the new labor laws will help. Acc to that he shud file for next stages in 180 days starting july 15 th right. What is this May 15 thing?Any inputs. Thanks in advance.

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  • Green.Tech
    06-02 02:00 PM
    Contributed $100 for June
    Receipt ID: 47W850****

    Thanks, coopheal!

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  • chisinau
    10-05 01:42 AM
    Thanx for the reply! In your opinion, do we still have a chanse to see relief for schedule"A" this year? From my point of view, the chanses are slim. Maybe I am too pesimistic....:confused:

    09-16 02:26 AM
    Dear friends,
    I made my first $100.00 contribution and would like to sign up for more. Google Order #834309558256739 .

    I thank all the efforts of the members of

    --From SF Bay Area

    04-28 01:58 PM

    I just applied for a mortgage from BOA. The loan officer did not recognize what AOS was and asked me for an H1B - which has expired.

    I explained about AOS and EAD and told her I could give the I-485 receipt, and she took in my application.
    But I'm worried that my loan will be denied after underwriting - my closing is on 5/26 and I probably will not hear from the bank until second week of may.

    Does anyone know of Banks in MA that give loans to EAD?

    I am going to close with BOA next week. They do know what is AOS means. I provided them my EAD copy and I-94 thats it.

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