Thursday, June 23, 2011

emma watson casual style

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  • Emma Watson

  • ragz4u
    03-09 10:46 AM
    for illegal immigrants again

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  • 2010 Emma Watson Casual Short

  • mirage
    08-17 01:20 PM
    Guys please send out these letters, It needs 20 minutes of your time & about $2 stamps. But it can really save us lot of time and anxiety, as, if it goes well with Rep. Zoe Lofgren or Senator Cornyn they can mandate USCIS to publish these statistics. Rep. Logfren has done this in the past(mandating USCIS & DOS) she may do it for us....



    Charles Oppenheim / Visa Section
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520


    Your Name/Your Address/EB-3 India Applicant
    Priority Date: May 2003
    Some City,

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Sub: Statistics on Employment Based AOS(Adjustment of Status) applications pending at USCIS under various categories

    I am writing to you to express my sense of helplessness over the unpredictability of Visa Number allotment to various employment based category. I want to bring to your attention that it�s been nearly a �Decade� since we saw any meaningful Visa Date movement from year 2001 for EB-3 Green Card applicants from India.

    It is important to know that despite of severe visa retrogression and random visa cutoff date movements, USICIS or DOS hasn�t released any official information on how many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS under various categories which leaves thousands of AOS(Adjustment of Status) applicants in complete darkness and dependent on guessing games by various Law firms.

    A green card application requires enormous amount of efforts and money from the beneficiary and his/her employer. People who are waiting for 7-8 years now would have had already spent average $15,000-$20,000, in maintaining their statuses and keep the Green Card process going on. Being stuck in a green card process keeps us bonded with 1 employer, job type etc.
    We need to know if there is any light at the end of the tunnel. We need to know for how long we have to live our life in limbo. If there is hope than we need to be patient and plan to live like that for another 1-2 years. But if there�s no light at the end of the tunnel than we need to move on with our careers and other family commitments. Only your office and USCIS can help us by releasing statistics on the number and categories of applications pending with USCIS people waiting in this category can plan their lives accordingly.

    It will be a great help if DOS or USCIS could tell us about the number of AOS application pending at USCIS along with their Categories(EB-3, EB-2, EB-1) and chargeable country.
    We have been waiting for a decade and continue to wait would it be reasonable to request you for some guidance with regards to the Visa allotment. I request your office to provide some statistics on home many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS.

    We understand that you work with in the limits of the law as set by the Congress and are limited by various constraints that are beyond your agency realm of work. We appreciate your hard work and sincerely thank you for all the hard work.

    God Bless America!

    Thank you for you attention,

    (Your Name OR EB-3 India Applicant )
    Priority Date: April 02
    Category: EB-3
    Member ImmigrationVoice.Org

    Copy Sent to

    Honorable Secretary of State
    Dr. Condoleezza Rice
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Honorable Director, USCIS
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529

    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    Department of Homeland Security
    Attention: Case Problems
    Mail Stop 1225
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    Senator John Cornyn
    Chairman - United States Senate Judiciary subCommittee on
    Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
    517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: 202-224-2934
    Fax: 202-228-2856

    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
    Chairwoman - United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship,
    Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
    102 Cannon HOB
    Washington, D.C. 20515
    Telephone (202) 225-3072

    emma watson casual style. Emma Watson looks super comfy
  • Emma Watson looks super comfy

  • ragz4u
    03-16 01:41 PM

    2011 2010 Emma Watson Casual Short emma watson casual style. Emma Watson#39;s grown from a
  • Emma Watson#39;s grown from a

  • m306m
    03-18 09:31 AM
    Guys as it states both you and your spouse need to have an SSN not ITIN.
    So if one has ssn other has ITIN you are not qualified.

    The stimulus package is $600 for each member who has an SSN. Therefore if both you and your wife had an SSN you would get $1200. In the case where one spouse has an ITIN, the remaining spouse still is eligible for the $600. As mentioned in this post earlier you can always file 1040X one you receive the SSN for your spouse and claim the additional $600.


    emma watson casual style. style, and Emma Watson#39;s,
  • style, and Emma Watson#39;s,

  • trd
    07-20 10:04 AM
    BTW how did Obama vote?????

    He did not voted

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  • Emma Watson with Gwyneth

  • sheela
    10-17 10:40 AM
    Thanks a ton for this great job. I will mail out today


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  • emma watson casual.

  • Milind123
    09-13 09:58 PM
    thank you bala, you guys are awesome. now give chance to other members to contribute. :D

    Libra, my personal target is not far away. I am going to stop soon.

    GCNaseeb, sunty, ivgoodluck, akhilmahajan and our special guest bala, thank you so much for your contribution.

    Sorry, I had to go and see the gun-smith to make sure the revolver is ready for our next round. When she heard me tell her about the
    few rounds we had. This is what she said "Make sure when you start the next round, the gun is fully loaded to keep it balanced".

    So can I have the pleasure of the company of one senior member who will take the last shot?

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  • style emma watson deserves

  • cheg
    07-21 05:23 PM
    count me in...i live in Murrieta, CA.:)


    emma watson casual style. Casual style for Everyday in
  • Casual style for Everyday in

  • 485Mbe4001
    08-13 04:37 PM
    Till last year EB 3 would get additional visa from the leftovers of ROW, both EB2 and EB 3-I would benefit from the ROW visia, now all the visas are going to EB2, so i agree with you, there is little hope for EB 3.

    Why are there no repurcussions if USCIS admits that they were incorrectly allocating the visa earlier. they can suddenly change the rules and everybody keeps quiet....strange.

    EB-3 won't need help when everyone else is done because the only people left to allocate visas would be EB-3 only . I guess we are just in for a long long wait.

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  • Wonderful Emma Watson New

  • vayumahesh
    01-10 11:36 AM
    Finally a happy ending to my green card journey. Received our cards on Saturday. Thank You IV and I wish all the best for everyone.


    emma watson casual style. house Emma Watson – we love
  • house Emma Watson – we love

  • alterego
    06-10 08:27 AM
    This is really dissapointing. Eb2 India has not moved at all. EB3 now unavailable. EB3 ROW now unavailable.

    When the reach the next fiscal year, things will be worse than now for EB India due to the loss of spillover.

    The need for visa recapture is now more than ever.

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  • Tavi the style rookie takes

  • gcisadawg
    09-15 03:25 PM
    There are people that used
    1> Labor substitution
    2> Worked in LC backlogged state like CA, NY, TX etc but filed in fast moving states like Maine, NH etc..
    3> Applied in EB2 when their job requirements wasn't really EB2.
    4> Made up five years of experience so as to apply for EB2.
    5> Packaged NIIT diploma et al as masters..

    Then there are others Who applied in EB2 because they had a masters or genuine experience AND their job demanded EB2. Also people, irrespective of their categories, toiled at BECs.

    I would be a bit skeptical about folks that filed EB2 thru a body-shopper or a consulting company. It doesnt mean that EB3s are holier-than-thou and hasnt resorted to fraud.

    My point is, the whole system is biased against people who follow the rules.
    Unless you play the system ( using the points mentioned above), you have to wait and wait and wait..

    At this point, its hard to find out who belonged to the former category and who belonged to the later. Do you think people would come forward and accept?



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  • Emma Watson: The Style of The

  • swissgear
    08-23 03:03 PM
    It is not the right thing -- from your perspective, because you can't take advantage of it. From the USA point of view multinational executives can potentially create jobs and that's why they must be allowed
    You may call it "loophole", based on your understanding of it. However the reality may be different and larger than what you see. So don't axe the branch you are sitting on!

    My friend, "USA point of view is multinational executives can potentially create jobs", but the reality is the other way round. They are here to to make the transition happen from Onshore to Offshore. I have complete knowledge on how this EB1 thing works , as I was one of them once upon a time before taking up my current job.

    And to make things more clear, I didn't quit the job just because I wasn't getting a chance to file in EB1, its because you are expected to work 24/7, Yes I mean 24/7 having to take calls midnight, logging and working from home in odd hours, any day time with offshore, onshore, clients and paid like 65k. Life sucked and I couldn't take it any more and had to leave..

    I'll stop and leave it here....

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  • This picture of Emma Watson#39;s

  • ramus
    07-06 12:38 PM
    Looks like something is happening.. They must be trying to close all loop holes.

    But may be it is too late now...

    new from

    July 2, 2007, State Department Notice to USCIS Regarding EB Visa Availability

    Has anybody got more info on this.


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  • This effortless style not just

  • ashutrip
    06-17 02:02 PM
    not sure why is this question imp , but it's nov 2006 .....
    nov 2006 still pending!!!
    Man, mine is march 2007.....guess I will miss the bus......cuz as per my lawyer dates will retrogress in october big time

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  • Emma Watson at the

  • speddi
    07-06 09:36 AM


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  • Inspired by Emma Watson for

  • Pineapple
    01-06 09:17 PM
    If you have a cogent argument, you can present it. It will be judged by its merits.

    Ad hominem arguments and irate calls to close the thread do not go a long way in proving your point (as much as I can make out there is one in the first place)

    You seem to be a guy from north India who dislikes anything remotely connected to south, or probably you are envious of the strides that south India has taken, anyways I do not care what YOU or Wadhwa says about the quality of education in some parts of the world.

    I do not know how this discussion is going to help our cause.

    Moderators, please close this thread. This thread has potrayed India in bad light to the rest of the world and has given enough ammunition to anti immigrants.

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  • Posing in a casual floral

  • beppenyc
    03-08 02:07 PM
    any mention to any guest working program? I think that if they agree in this point we can see any improuvement on the backlog and "never ending story" in the Green Card process.

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  • All together: Emma Watson

  • desi485
    11-18 03:50 PM
    We must also step forward and work towards resolving other things

    (1) Create blog on how to report Employer wage violations to Wage and Hour division

    (2) USCIS poor customer service - inconsistencies, rude answers ....... We must create a blog to let people know how to contact Ombudsman to report issues

    (3) Any other pressing issues....

    Folks please add anything you feel must be addressed

    One more update: Found another thread on RG's forum. This one is very specific.

    Re: EAD & wrongful denial of 485 due to I-140 revoked by employer after 180 days AC21


    Let my try to clarify my answer, since I didn't do that good a job previously.

    An EAD remains valid until it expires, unless it is explicitly revoked. Sometimes, but not always, when the CIS denies an I-485, they also revoke the EAD.

    For argument's sake, let's assume that an employer has attempted to revoke an approved I-140 in a case where the applicant's I-485 has been pending for more than 180 days. Let's further assume that the CIS denies the I-485 on this basis and also revokes the EAD.

    In my opinion, since there is no legal authority for such a denial, and the denial violates the law, it is invalid. Now, I want to make it clear that this is a very unusual situation. It is extremely rare that you find a situation where a CIS adjustment of status denial is clearly and unequivocally illegal, but this is one of those situations.

    Because a denial of this type is illegal, the revocation of the applicant's employment authorization is also improper. If an applicant, in this highly unusual and extremely limited situation, works without authorization, then in my opinion that falls into the "beyond his control" exception and no penalty can be imposed.

    02-10 10:11 PM
    I will. Thanks for rounding up.

    I am still waiting to see your contribution....Do you need any help to write the check

    03-03 06:08 PM
    can you be more specific on what ur "very influential" attorney said? ;)

    That is not true, my lawyer who is very influential and he has some good contacts he told me that this year spill-over would be different form last year. I was stupid so didn’t believe him about July 2007, and paying it for now for not having EAD.

    I know this is hard to believe especially if something comes from lawyer.


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