Sunday, June 26, 2011

seungri big bang

images Big Bang member SeungRi seungri big bang. seung ri BigBang
  • seung ri BigBang

  • vallabhu
    01-05 07:17 PM
    EB3 RIR
    PD 2004 July 27 Atlanta DOL
    45 Day letter March 18 2006
    replied on same day March 20 2006

    Certified date Dec 19 2006

    wallpaper seung ri BigBang seungri big bang. seungri big bang.
  • seungri big bang.

  • diptam
    09-01 06:46 PM
    Unless economy is good those creations wont fly through. GC is a bif illusion :)


    seungri big bang. seungri big bang.
  • seungri big bang.

  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-12 11:15 AM
    Dear ItIsNotFunny,

    For committed people like you, we can request IV core for some special consideration.

    But I support this initiative. Just see the FOIA thread. We could not even pool up 5K and there are at least 5000 members out of which at least 500 active users.

    Unless there is some intiative like this, it will be impossible for pushing any lobbying activities. There are many people who wants every thing free.

    I support IV

    I support the idea. Its just market is bad and people may not be able to contribute so regularly.

    2011 seungri big bang. seungri big bang. member of Big Bang and
  • member of Big Bang and

  • alterego
    12-10 08:36 PM
    It looks like they have heard from IV members about the spillover rules and their clarification about the QUARTERLY spillover is useful. Also them categorically stating that any spillover visas would be used in strict order of PD is reassuring. Whether they actually practice or not, it is good that they have gone on record as saying that is the way it should be.
    In the past spillover was not applied in the way they are saying and EB2I suffered greatly for it.
    This spillover rules if enforced will accelerate EE2I movement initially and then EB3. I suspect that by this summer EB2I folks from 2007 should be seeing some action.


    seungri big bang. /seungri-ig-ang-aprovado
  • /seungri-ig-ang-aprovado

  • ramus
    07-18 03:24 PM
    Great.. Thank you.. Please ask your neighbours to join IV i they have not yet.

    Thanks for all your efforts.

    Made a contribution of $100
    Confirmation Number: 1LX38419RG209364L.

    seungri big bang. Big Bang#39;s Seungri and SNSD#39;s
  • Big Bang#39;s Seungri and SNSD#39;s

  • franklin
    10-01 11:25 AM
    What the you talking about? USCIS isn't efficient at processing? Are you crazy?

    There are a whole bunch of people on the ROW thread thread who think they are the picture of efficiency - they deny the existence of wasted visas due to inefficiencies in processing.


    seungri big bang. Big Bang#39;s Seungri transforms
  • Big Bang#39;s Seungri transforms

  • knnmbd
    04-26 12:39 PM
    Guys ,

    We have to stick to immigration reform..
    Let's not get into the medicare/social security/income tax issues.
    That would open a complete new front on which the immigration refrom opponents can attack you...

    Our organization has to steer clear of the landmine issues like Medicare, Social Security reform. Those issues have sank many political careers in washington...These issues are tar pits..swamps...

    We are threading a needle here...the thicker your thread gets..the less likely it would get through the needle hole..
    We have to maintain focus and not get carried away.

    I agree with msp1976 on this. We need to focus on only the retrogression issue; everything else is great for time pass till the 27th when the SJC reconvenes.

    2010 seungri big bang. seungri big bang. Big Bang member SeungRi
  • Big Bang member SeungRi

  • gumpena
    08-02 05:11 PM
    Nebraska has issued only 2800 receipts for today...


    seungri big bang. Seungri Calls Top: Full
  • Seungri Calls Top: Full

  • amitjoey
    07-13 04:45 PM
    Having some samples loaded will help other members in contacting. I agree that personal story will be more effective but atleast we will know format of request.



    Dear Senator
    I am a highly-skilled professional who entered this country legally. I�ve been waiting for my US permanent resident visa -also known as "Green Card" for the past several years along with 500,000 other educated, highly skilled employment based (EB) immigrants. Many of us have been waiting for our turn to get Green Cards for 5-10 years while consistently abiding by all the laws of this country. Such long delays are due to tortuous and confusing paper work, backlogs due to various quotas and processing delays at US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), other allied state and federal agencies.

    Several categories of EB immigrant visa (Green Card) numbers were unavailable (�retrogressed�) since the fall of 2005. Because our immigrant petitions are tied to the sponsoring employer.

    For the past several decades, the US Department of State (DOS) has been publishing advisories known as visa bulletins once a month to announce the availability of immigrant visa numbers. On June 13, 2007, after a gap of nearly two years, DOS announced that all EB visa numbers would be �current� for the month of July. This meant, irrespective of our �priority date� (date assigned to us for our turn in the line for Green Cards), all of us were made eligible to apply for some interim immigration benefits. This �priority date� refers to the date when our labor certification (documentation verifying no US citizen worker was available for a given job) had been filed.

    Please note that 6/13 DOS announcement would not have led to immediate green card for most of us; but at least it would have ensured us interim benefits such as the right to travel and right to work for any employer- this was still a welcome change. Especially, for dependent spouses who are otherwise unable to work, this would have translated into right to travel and work without restriction and thus channel their energies positively. Several dependent spouses are also highly-skilled.

    Tens of thousands of applicants spent thousands of dollars in legal fees, immigration medical exams & vaccinations & getting various supporting documents ready to file our immigrant petitions to USCIS, at times inconveniencing our old parents in our home countries as well. It has been an agonizing two weeks for us. Some of us to had to fly in our spouses from our home countries or have had to cut short business trips. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent by thousands of immigrants in preparation of their application. To our shock and dismay, on the morning of July 2nd 2007, USCIS announced that EB visa numbers were not available and all petitions filed in July would be rejected.

    For the legal skilled immigrants this has been a rather traumatizing and disheartening experience. These are people that are in the country legally, paid taxes and followed all the rules.

    We sincerely seek immediate congressional/ legislative remedial measures which would
    (1)Reduce the enormous backlogs of green card petitions of legal skilled immigrants
    (2)Ensure and request USCIS not to reject our immigrant visa petitions filed in July and provide us interim benefits of a pending immigrant visa petition. We make this sincere request with the hope that people who played by the rules will be rewarded.

    hair member of Big Bang and seungri big bang. This message from BIG BANG#39;s
  • This message from BIG BANG#39;s

  • sheelalann
    05-21 12:54 PM
    i have seen cases where date was ported only after the letter was sent


    seungri big bang. ig bang seungri daesung
  • ig bang seungri daesung

  • mbawa2574
    07-06 02:25 AM
    what is "something" you want to do?

    wwbd? what would bawa do?

    U need to change ur handle :-)

    hot /seungri-ig-ang-aprovado seungri big bang. seungri big bang. schedule
  • seungri big bang. schedule

  • mbartosik
    03-26 04:34 PM
    PD Dec 2002
    45 day letter around July 2006
    replied to 45 day letter within a couple of days
    RIR EB3
    Region NY

    Currently on 7th year of H1B


    house Seung Ri (Big Bang) trở thành seungri big bang. Big Bang#39;s Seung Ri (L) and
  • Big Bang#39;s Seung Ri (L) and

  • BharatPremi
    07-05 05:26 PM
    Boxer , Feinstein senators of CA , I called Lofgren , Gary miller (R) 42nd district of CA and Just spoke with NYtimes reporter on the follow up story ...:)

    I already done that yesterday evening: Today I talked to both offices. Yesterday I just sent web form (E-Mail)... I could not speak to senators personally as both were unavailable but I spoke to their office staff and both have listened me and have guranteed to make sure this reaches to senator's eyes and ears.

    tattoo Big Bang#39;s Seungri and SNSD#39;s seungri big bang. Before joining Big Bang,
  • Before joining Big Bang,

  • ragz4u
    03-15 08:32 AM
    Did anyone else get through? I was trying Dirksen226!


    pictures Big Bang#39;s Seungri transforms seungri big bang. No beer for Big Bang#39;s Seungri
  • No beer for Big Bang#39;s Seungri

  • GCBy3000
    08-02 04:01 PM
    Since I was bored at work, I called this number and talked with a rep this morning @10. She told me that they have 76K applications pending for the receipt date as of July 27th. She said this two times thinking me to take on with surprise with this huge number. Yes, of course I am surprised. Is it only 76K apps by July 27th?

    Ooops, i missed this in my original post. This is true for Nebraska service centre.
    I am not sure about the other service centre. Sorry dudes.

    dresses seungri big bang. schedule seungri big bang. ig bang seungri daesung
  • ig bang seungri daesung

  • rav
    01-05 12:33 PM
    I havent received my 45 day letter yet ?
    PD JUN2002
    state : DC


    makeup Seungri Calls Top: Full seungri big bang. Seung Ri (Big Bang) trở thành
  • Seung Ri (Big Bang) trở thành

  • radhay
    04-17 01:59 PM
    I have closed on two mortgage loans recently and found that Loan Underwriters don't understand EAD/ AOS applications. For my original loan with Pulte Mortgage I explained them that AOS is a period authroized stay by Attorney General until Green card is approved. When they still didn't understand I had to bump my down payment to 20% which apparently puts less resrtictions (By Fannie Mae guidelines).

    When I refinanced this week with PFCU (pentagan federal CU) I sent them EAD copies and they were OK with it.

    girlfriend Before joining Big Bang, seungri big bang. Big Bang#39;s Seungri to begin
  • Big Bang#39;s Seungri to begin

  • yawl
    08-02 05:05 PM
    An article confirmed the number (~76K):

    "3. The unofficial reports are that the Texas Service Center received approximately 40,000 I-485 applications during the first day or two in July and the Nebraska Service Center received approximately 35,000 I-485 applications during the same period of time. "

    Since I was bored at work, I called this number and talked with a rep this morning @10. She told me that they have 76K applications pending for the receipt date as of July 27th. She said this two times thinking me to take on with surprise with this huge number. Yes, of course I am surprised. Is it only 76K apps by July 27th?

    hairstyles ig bang seungri daesung seungri big bang. [PHOTOS] Seungri amp; Big Bang at
  • [PHOTOS] Seungri amp; Big Bang at

  • srinivas_o
    09-16 06:45 PM
    I have made one time of contribution of $100 through PayPal.

    Here are the details.

    Confirmation Number: 3YE50599L7886501J.

    Due to some personal reason, I am not able to make it to Rally, but my heart felt best wishes to everyone.

    07-11 07:58 AM
    Does someone know by how many months EB2 has jumped??

    06-11 01:48 PM
    i wanted to aviod posting this, but please include a bit of realism in your optimism. Full disclosure: i am EB 3-I

    We had a discussion on our chapter here is the extract of the email that i sent based on a couple of similar comments from fellow members.

    After talking to a few of the fellow members, i feel that one the main causes for inaction is that folks who have applied under EB 2 India feel that the spillover from ROW EB 2/1 and India EB1 will be sufficient to get them their GC's in 2 years tops. EAD/AP for two years is no big deal. There is no urgency to get things done or the motivation to step up to the plate and make a few calls. If that is the case, then chances are that you are mistaken.

    a) we have no estimate of the per country breakdown of pending applications.
    b) we have no idea how many EB2 India applied in July 07
    c) we dont know the number of multiple applicants who have EB2 and EB3 applications pending (spouse and self).
    d) We have no indication of the 300k applications who were stuck in namecheck and are now eligible for approval. Namecheck victims were from all countries (you can see that ROW EB 3 is U)
    This affects ROW as well as the retrogressed countries as the per country quota is still fixed.

    We cannot wish this mess away. Making a few phone calls at lunch should not be a big deal.

    I am Not sure everybody follows Federal Reserve revising short-term rates by every month and Financal analyst were trying to understand language(tone) of Bulletin. And Looking at tone of VISA Bulletin for July 2008 and historical Bulletins EB2 for India is very encouraging till we see the language next month for India.

    There have been questions raised regarding the way numbers have been provided to the China and India in the Employment Second preference categories beginning in April. Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act .....


    All Employment Preference categories except for Third “Other Workers” have been made “Current” for July. This has been done in an effort to generate increased demand by Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) for adjustment of status cases, and to maximize number use under the annual numerical limit. However, all readers should be alert to the possibility that not all Employment preferences will remain Current for the remainder of the fiscal year. Should the rate of demand for numbers be very heavy in the coming months, it could become necessary to retrogress some cut-off dates for September, most likely for China-mainland born and India, but also possibly for Mexico and Philippines. Severe cut-off date retrogressions are likely to occur early in FY-2008.

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