Saturday, June 25, 2011

jeep humer

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  • bsbawa10
    03-18 02:10 AM
    Both people listed on a "married filing jointly" return must have valid SSNs to qualify for the payment � if only one has a valid SSN, neither can receive the payment.

    wallpaper Fotos Del Jeep Hummer jeep humer. FG Monster-Hummer FOR SALE
  • FG Monster-Hummer FOR SALE

  • sugaur
    03-06 05:30 PM
    Heres the sliver lining of all this immigration mess. Its good for spiritual development. I came here 10 years ago in mid 20s. My understanding of Indian philosophy was rudimentary at best. Now I have found reading and meditating on the meaning of Gita is one of the best ways for me to deal with the GC mess, and life in general. So I wonder if GC had been a smooth process would I have still discovered the beauty of the Gita?

    jeep humer. Hummer that Jeepsgt;Hummers.
  • Hummer that Jeepsgt;Hummers.

  • bkam
    01-31 03:04 AM
    Dear "colleagues in faith" :-), there is only one way to change the things with this immigration trap - we have to win the public opinion!

    Currently 350,000 highly qualified professionals working for this country are in a legal limbo which continues for years. Our current legal status is that of slaves. Yes, slaves! Nowadays it takes anywhere between 5 - 10 years from applying to receiving of a GC. We cannot change our employers within this period, the members of our families cannot work (at least legally) and our spouses lose their professional carrier; if our kids get in college they are treated as "aliens" (full tuition, no student loans, no scholarship); the loans we get are with higher interest rate (for "protection"); at the borders we are treated as "intruders" etc.

    The average Americans are honest hardworking people. If they are aware of the immigration problems faced by 350,000 hardworking professionals in this country, they will raise their voice and will help for resolving of this issue. They just need to know that. I believe that in addition to talking to senators etc., we have to find ways our issues to reach the media - newspapers, magazines and so on. An article in Times may lead to a lot of positive changes in the immigration system.

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  • hummer h1 hummer h2 hummer h3

  • sands_14
    01-06 12:50 PM
    I e-filed for AP?
    I have been asked to send ADIT photographs not computer photographs?
    Anybody knows what ADIT means???
    I am confused...
    Please advise.

    Please reply


    jeep humer. Jeep Vm
  • Jeep Vm

  • Kodi
    06-05 08:37 AM
    Till the new bill becomes law you'll be ok.

    Those of you who got LC approved recently, did you apply to Chicago or Atlanta?

    jeep humer. HUMMER TRUCK, Jeep

  • gsc999
    09-10 03:19 PM
    Thanks for contributing!


    jeep humer. Jeep Humor - All Things
  • Jeep Humor - All Things

  • Green.Tech
    06-19 03:25 PM
    Stay on top!

    2010 Hummer that Jeepsgt;Hummers. jeep humer. Jeep Versus Hummer.
  • Jeep Versus Hummer.

  • tnite
    07-11 08:02 AM
    Does someone know by how many months EB2 has jumped??

    little more than 2 yrs


    jeep humer. than a Hummer could ever
  • than a Hummer could ever

  • ItIsNotFunny
    07-06 02:25 PM

    Please stay away from hard language. Having suggestion for election is a completely acceptable but please lets not accuse anyone. If anyone needs accoutability, I don't IV Core people would have any issues to give you those in person. I know they are really really shy discussing them openly.

    Please don't forget end goal, to have a fair GC process. Any suggestions for action items are encouraged like snathan has a nice action item suggested for visa re-stamping. Please support.

    You don't need IV core's approval to do something good for community. They are only concerned when you use IV's name.

    hair hummer h1 hummer h2 hummer h3 jeep humer. Jeep Hummer
  • Jeep Hummer

  • mbawa2574
    07-07 07:47 PM
    Can Patton Boggs do better? Haven't we had more legislative success, I mean traction, when we partnered with Quinn Gillespie? Are we receiving sound advice on which of our grievances require legislative action and which ones can be redressed by a mere change in policy on the part of the executive? It looks like most of our current problems were not ushered in by any new law, but rather by a stroke of a pen in a memo by the incompetent and indifferent INS, USCIS, DOL and the State Department. No change in law was needed to make then deny us concurrent filing in Oct 2005 and allow it in July 2007. No change in law was required to deny us visa revalidation. One could argue that no change in law is required to belatedly use unused visas from the previous years. The list goes on. It should be easier to lobby a handful of buffoons in the executive branch with real power than 500+ buffoons on Capitol Hill. Has Patton Boggs served us well?

    We are hitting the wrong doors. We are not doing anything which gives us some visibility with media and politicians or administration. Time is running out guys


    jeep humer. image-conscious Hummer set
  • image-conscious Hummer set

  • gapala
    09-09 10:15 AM
    [quote] to add to the conversation on the price -> locals are also experiencing a glut of money due to the economic boom in the last 5 years or so. Small businesses have really taken off in a big way exporting to Europe/ US. Investors in the stock market have also hit the jackpot. And, once you have money, for most Indians the safest option to invest is in property or gold.

    Also better salaries all around fueled by attrition of talent to the IT sector. [quote]

    This may be correct to certain extent but only the elite class and creamy layer of 1.8% of total population. When we look at the bigger picture of the country, I could not connect the dots. GDP is just above $2500 and PPP is about $3300. How in the world will you justify $200,000 to $300,000. Plus the cost of financing the purchase.

    In simple terms, median home price is 100 times the GDP and life expectancy in india is 70 years. average work life span is 40 years. Home Mortgages are 15, 20 or 25 years in India which will cover only 1/4th of the median price of a home based on even anticipated high GDP growth and considering moderate increase in cost of living. Given that the risk of default is huge and banks are running at very high risk. I believe buying a house is a big gamble in India and more to that for Banks, lending is also a big gamble.

    Note that according to banks, investment in apartments capitalize only over 25 years in india. (Rent vs. Own) Is this correct? Average rentals in ONLY Big cities are Rs. 12000 ($275 / month $3300 a year) to 15000 ($340 / month $4000 a year) for the same 1000 sqft 2 bedroom apartments which itself is above the GDP :). What that tells me, even the rentals are also not affordable to majority of the population. Back to captalization part 4000 * 25 = 100,000. which is half of the investment... add the alternate investment value for 25 years, capitalization will be way below 50%.
    That means it will take more than 50 years to capatilize the investment. This is more that Mod average work life span of 40 years. Note that Maintenance and Taxes for 25 years excluded in above calc. Are banks stupid?

    I do not know what to tell ya man! To me its really scary

    A small credit crunch (crisis is not required) might bring the entire economy to floor.

    fine print: (Above analysis applies only for working taxpaying people like us who does not have unaccounted money.)

    hot Jeep Vm jeep humer. Screenshots Cool Hummer Jeep
  • Screenshots Cool Hummer Jeep

  • m306m
    03-18 09:31 AM
    Guys as it states both you and your spouse need to have an SSN not ITIN.
    So if one has ssn other has ITIN you are not qualified.

    The stimulus package is $600 for each member who has an SSN. Therefore if both you and your wife had an SSN you would get $1200. In the case where one spouse has an ITIN, the remaining spouse still is eligible for the $600. As mentioned in this post earlier you can always file 1040X one you receive the SSN for your spouse and claim the additional $600.


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  • Jeeps may be the Official

  • villamonte6100
    04-02 12:12 PM
    villamonte6100 please read the first statement again - I was agreeing with D-E-D that USCIS IS GOOD...

    Frankly I am not Australian and I dont care about the friendship your country has with US. Every Country is sucking up to USA for favourable relationship...

    D-E-D's comments - you must be from india and corruption in India is "Trashing" India in my eyes... every country has corruption (you will find Australia and USA on that list as well... granted its all relative) some more and some less. D-E-D comments had a condesending tone for India and that is not cool...

    BTW - If Australia is so then why do you want to be a Sepo so bad... Jokes apart - I agree with you that US is a great country and thats why I chose to move here... I hope you get your green card soon... before me? time will tell...

    Well, next time make your comments on D-E-D, not on my comments. If you have issues with his comments, direct your comments to him not me. That is why I got offended because I did not trash any country.

    I don't understand what's a sepo? So I can't comment on what you are saying "If Australia is so then why do you to be a Sepo so bad..."

    "Every Country is sucking up to USA for favourable relationship... " That's your opinion and I respect that.

    For the green card, I'll bet you I'll get it next month.

    tattoo HUMMER TRUCK, Jeep jeep humer. the soft top for HUMMER.
  • the soft top for HUMMER.

  • indio0617
    03-09 11:13 AM
    Senator Specter: Again calling on all Senators who are not in other commitees to turn up in this meeting


    pictures Jeep Humor - All Things jeep humer. hummer jeep dub
  • hummer jeep dub

  • meridiani.planum
    12-11 01:00 PM
    for the first time (in 5 years that I have been tracking them) the visa bulletin looks like it was "made in America". The america of old, the one that is so organized that every official form includes an estimated time on how long it takes to fill it up. The one where every street has a clear name marker, every intersection has multiple stop lights, multiple signs. Where the little cats-eyes on the road are color coded[1] Where lines form automagically when a bunch of people converge on anything. Where you can go to any .gov site and pick up whatever statistics you want on anything from agriculture, to factories, to healthcare.
    This is a nation built on documentation and organization.

    For the first time the visa bulletin does not look like some discarded bingo card or four monkeys getting excited on a typewriter. For the first time the numbers make sense, they explain why they are what they are. They even put our prediction threads out of business by coming out with their own set of predictions for the rest of the year.

    USCIS has had data like this for eons (how many cases pending in which category and from which country). It took the usual american obsession with data and organizing data to come out with all this.

    Kudos to them.

    Things remain bleak, but just to see something so neatly organized and put out was heartening to me.

    P.S: and no, this is not them just doing their job. Their job is to put out the dates every month (like they have been doing for atleast over a decade). To clearly spell out how many cases are pending (like their recent report), and now to predict how these dates will move, is IMO going beyond the minimum requirements of the job, and is much appreciated.

    [1]: blue meaning a firehydrant, yellow as a separator of lanes in different directions, white in the same direction, red is dont enter. found the meaning of the blue one recently, and was impressed. atleast in CA this is what they are.

    dresses Screenshots Cool Hummer Jeep jeep humer. It looks more like a Jeep CJ
  • It looks more like a Jeep CJ

  • mbawa2574
    07-06 01:27 AM
    IV does not need a change in leadership. We have a very effective leadership that is working hard behind the scenes to bring about a positive change to the community. If we have not been noticing major changes, it's due to the passive (chaltha hai chalne do) nature of our community, who don't even lift a finger to swat a fly, until and unless they receive a RFE/NOID/Rejection letter from the USCIS.

    No change in leadership will bring about any change, unless the community changes it's mentality, raises above narcissism, and becomes actively involved in the movement. This requires a "person with the face", a person ready to expose himself as a leader of the movement to motivate others; subjecting himself/herself to death threats (and other threats) from anti-immigrant goons like ITGrunt and others. Our fearless Aman Kapoor has made that bold sacrifice for the ungrateful community which blames him for all our collective failures.

    So before proposing a change in leadership, I request Mr. Bawa to post his personal picture in the IV profile and/or publish a YouTube video of his ideas for the movement ( just like Aman's video on Immigration Voice). I can't vote for a faceless leader hiding behind anonymity. I need a real life person with real ideas. Do we have such New fearless leaders in our community?

    I can post my picture or I may have a video on youtube. I am not trying to blame Aman. I am pointing at the wrong stratergy and a sleeping core team. They were good in 07 but not anymore. Let's find the new leaders. U can take names or call me whatever but I want something done above and beyond the idealism.

    I have met Senators, I have visited Reps and met enough people on IV's directions, Nothing has changed as the directors were incompetent.


    makeup than a Hummer could ever jeep humer. HUMMER From GM In Strategic
  • HUMMER From GM In Strategic

  • Openarms
    12-17 11:52 AM
    I think most of the members in this forum updated their data, at least from EB3 India I am sure. If you guys can pull data according to PD from administration console, you should be able get some valuable data to show. I wondered why this has not been done so far??? million dollar question???

    girlfriend the soft top for HUMMER. jeep humer. : Jeep Wrangler
  • : Jeep Wrangler

  • panky72
    06-25 04:08 PM
    Loosing my investments
    Since I am sure that my GC will take 5 to 10 years more. Meanwhile too many things will change that might make me go back home. So I decided to invest in home(India). I sold lot of stocks. Stopped contributing to 401K above employers match (I used to contribute full 15K). Deferred buying house until my 140 approved.

    I am at a life stage where I have enough experience and tendency to take risks (married but no kids etc...). If I have flexibility of not working, I want to invest my time in a small startup. Working/investing a start-up means I might go out of status anytime. So I decided not to try any of those. Its a loss for me as well as for economy. If I accumulate enough money I might go home and try to do something like startup or small business. It would be good for US and me if they let me do it here.

    In essence I am loosing the oppurtunity and by restricting my career US is loosing an oppurtunity to create more jobs.

    Why is loosing such a loosely used word?. Guys, it is losing not loosing. Lose and loose have different meanings.

    One more guy who is "loosing" things:D

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  • Hermione
    10-01 09:24 AM
    Well, if they wasted more than 1,000 visas, I am going to write and call everyone on my list. Don't tell me they can't manage to appove 140K visas a year, or they are overloaded with work - USCIS approves a total of more than 1M green cards a year, so let's not pretend they do not have the capacity.

    08-12 02:26 AM
    With the current situation, I think it may take 2 to 3 months...

    07-18 12:07 AM

    Very enlightning. I understand now why case get lost.:D

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