Monday, June 20, 2011

imagenes amor emo

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  • theMan
    09-10 09:17 PM
    $100 from me. Paypal conf. number , 1D295909LU764330T

    Sorry, can't make it to the rally due to prior commitments. All the best to all of us.

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  • el amor emo. dibujos de amor

  • valuablehurdle
    06-21 01:16 PM
    My Lawyer filed 20 cases for labor since January '07. None have neen approved yet as of today.

    Labor filed: April 15th, '07 EB2 'In Process'

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  • ashutrip
    06-20 12:35 PM
    Do you know if you got an audit? Any idea about how they decide to do audits?
    per my lawyer...chances of audit is less for EB3

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  • singhsa3
    09-11 04:57 PM
    In the past I have led delegations to Washington DC and held several meetings at my state chapter. It is time for new blood to step forward and take the reign of community leadership. Can someone please step to own this? I will support that person in every possible way.


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  • mensajes de amor emo. farces

  • diptam
    10-02 01:11 PM
    Today morning Ombudsman replied to my 2nd email ( as below) and confirmed my address - they said that a reply has been sent to me on Sep 11th for my 7001.

    Then i sent a return email saying i didn't receive any reply till today Oct 2nd and he further emailed me back saying that USCIS must give me a response by Oct 30th on my Pending I-140. Keeping fingers crossed - will post here if i see any LUD or activity in my I-140 in the next 3 weeks time.

    I've sent an email as well to Ombudsman a week before i sent my Form 7001.

    Today they replied my email ( after 5 weeks) asking me to file form 7001 if I want any specific reply. They also mentioned that Form 7001 will be replied in 14 business days and the case will be investigated within 45 business days.

    So i just replied to the email saying that i already mailed 7001 and its been 22 business days without any form of reply.

    Lets see what they says now.

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  • el amor emo. de amor emo.

  • ind_game
    05-15 10:09 AM
    There was a campaign on wrongful denial in AC21 , there was also letter campaign not sure what happened after that ? It was IV action item too... What was the conclusion ? should we all suffer even if it is a training issue, if they act such nice on letters , then why they act as if there is no form and if AC21 is for real aliens from a real alien world.

    Trust me your frustration is understandable......


    1. Consultant companies are making money by threatening to withdraw I-140 if an employee leaves the company for a better job
    2. USCIS is already making enough money on these improper denials (I would like to call it white collar extortion)
    3. Attorneys are making money on these cases

    In the end we the immigrants are the losers.

    Please make more noise on these kinds of issues concerned with I-140 withdrawls and I-485 denials, as this is becoming more and more apparent. Write blogs, spread in forums, write news letters. Go to your local congressman's office and make them aware of the situation. My local congresswoman's office is under the impression that my case is unique, but I am trying to convince them that this is wide spread by sending them the links of Ombudsman etc.,

    We need to increase the awareness.

    We do not want to get to a point where we may not utilize AC21 properly.



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  • JunRN
    09-11 10:37 PM
    I am in for this. This is not so expensive than paying the lobbyist. The objective is to catch media's attention and have our sentiments be publicized in major newspapers and tv news.

    This is a novel idea and more cost effective than paying major newspaper to publish our sentiments. They will come to IV for interviews just like in the past during the flower campaign.

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  • el amor emo. simsaladimbamba

  • manand24
    08-10 12:33 PM
    No checks cashed for us yet.. check my signature for details..

    No checks cashed, no receipts yet.:confused:

    PD 04/2006 EB2 INDIA
    I-140 NSC AP 10/2006
    I-485 NSC RD 07/02/07 ND Pending
    I-131 NSC RD 07/02/07 ND Pending
    I-765 NSC RD 07/02/07 ND Pending
    I-485 NSC RD 07/02/07 ND Pending
    I-131 NSC RD 07/02/07 ND Pending
    I-765 NSC RD 07/02/07 ND Pending


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  • fotos de amor emo. amor emo.

  • tampa2006
    07-18 09:14 PM
    I have contributed my bit by signing in for $50 montly contribution. I hope that we will make IV a grassroot movement.

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  • imagenes de amor de emos.

  • mirage41
    09-15 09:09 PM
    people who do not support pd porting must *morally* refuse any pay hikes they get along the course of the GC journey, decline promotions offered at their workplace and must vehemently refuse any self help initiatives by the employer.

    If they actually do that, they are both justified in opposing PD porting and they kinda give away their I.Q in the process! lol

    Not to mention, if anyone of the above happens, they need to re-start their GC process *to be fair*!

    Before someone gives me red dots, please note the Sarcasm in my post. (I support PD porting with all my heart!!) :D


    imagenes amor emo. Emo Mensaje de Amor; Emo
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  • logiclife
    04-26 04:48 PM
    Actually, its called form I-907. D&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    Read more on about I-907.

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  • Imagenes de Amor de Emos 2011

  • skv
    06-20 10:26 AM
    enough of america....:mad: :mad: :mad: I am moving to UAE.....two hrs journey to goa Income Tax:p :p :)

    I agree, UAE is great place for tax-free money and paid vacations upto 2 months in some cases. I've a british colleague who worked in UAE for 8 years, he says that there are lots of restrictions.

    Adage : America, a land of freedom and liberty. :-)


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  • msandhu
    07-30 03:50 PM
    Hi ,
    We applied I-485 in july and still waiting for receipt number. Also My wifes H4 visa expires on July 30 and her I-539 is pending. Can we use GC pending status to get driving license by showing the EAC receipt number ???


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  • lonedesi
    08-13 02:12 PM
    Any word this ?

    You should be fine. Everything we are doing is legal. We are not doing anything illegal by requesting Ombudsman's office to look into this processing delays.


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  • imh1b
    05-19 09:38 AM
    Is this campaign over? or can we still call. I can make some calls today.

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  • chanduv23
    03-02 12:46 PM
    ... its just an acknowledgement of reality as it stands today.

    Of late I have started reading forums at R2ICLUB - R2ICLUB - Articles Front Page ( to get an idea of what it would take to go back to India. My last trip home was quite an eyeopener. Bombay has really improved a lot from what I saw last year and that much progress in a year was quite simply - amazing. I am guessing other metros in India (Delhi, B'lore, Hyd) are moving even faster since they dont have the typical politics that plagues Maharashtra.

    Am I going to pack my bags and move tomorrow? Definitely not. But I'll definitely throw feelers out and see what kind of position I can get back home.

    Good luck to all - whether you stay here or decide to go back or move to Canada or UK or EU or ....

    I go to India atleast once every year and I agree that the urban infrastructure has changed a lot. But, such a change has created overcrowding in major cities which has lead to heavy pollution, rocketing inflation, high cost of living, and what not. You can get anything you want - best education, best food, best best best .... if you can afford.

    During one of the trips couple of years back I did a casual interview at a huge software giant in Chennai just to guage how well I will fit. This was for a programming job in C++. Interview was rookie, intrerviewer was surprised why I want to come back because people actually seek such companies as route to US or UK and also made me feel that I may not be satisfied with the job if he has to offer.

    So here is the thing. If you want to go back and lead a good life - I think it is a good idea provided you have very good education and experience and you get into the league of executives or you want to set up some booming business.

    If you want to go back and work at a managerial level - you may not find things that interesting because of the affordibnility factor.

    It is totally upto you to decide. If you look at urban infrastructure, India is developing, but in my opinion, the only way India can develop as a nation is by bringing about a change from the grassroots - change in beliefs, politics, innovations, products , hygene, uniform standards of living etc....


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  • gcpath
    01-03 10:59 AM
    Filed AP on Aug-8-2007. Today received email from CRIS saying that Documents have been mailed. Hope you all will get soon.

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  • eb3_nepa
    04-25 02:51 PM
    I just wanted to bring it to the table...I think all of us have the right to voice our opinion & looks like we all have in the case. Now it should be upto the IV to take it or leave it. They are the leaders in this initative & let them make the final call on if it needs to be part of our agenda or not. Thanks

    I agree with u rajeev. Ideas are always welcome, u never know what u may learn. Guys pls treat these threads as information and debate with enthusiasm. If you dont like something being said then tell the forum why u feel differently. Unless it is something totally ridiculous and off topic, we shud allow different ideas and discussions. If someone here feels it is a waste of time, then dont read that thread. :)

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  • gk_2000
    08-23 10:31 AM
    They are targeting the wrong cases. They should have made the eligibility for EB1 Intercompany transfers harder by putting in more restrictions. Every tom dick and harry are eligible for the EB1 route. I know of many cases where the individuals are paid less than 70k and are processed in EB1 even though they have less than 10 yrs experience ,using the term multi-national executives. No offense on these individuals, but its not fair to impose restrictions on highly qualified compared to the EB1 Multinational route. JMHO

    Envy, jealousy, and crab mentality will be our nemesis. If you think it's easy to get into eb1 then why waste your time? At least this category gives some incentive to progress in life. Why rock this boat?

    03-03 11:34 AM
    what you guys think.
    Will this economy slow down and people returing back to there motherland have any effects on PD?

    03-16 10:16 AM
    same reply

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