Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • sc3
    09-14 11:08 AM
    This is really sad. I dont expect Eb2s to understand EB3's plight, but to blame the EB2 backlogs on EB3, and the false accusation that we are getting EADs out of turn -- that is simply disgusting. While you are at it, why dont you blame EB3s for all the ills in the world, say the war in Iraq, Darfur issue, the gas prices, terrorism, the housing collapse in USA, Nazi genocide. Please feel free to explode the list at your will. You are obviously more wizened than EB3s, so we might be doing things without our knowledge.

    I hope there is more and more EB3 interfiling, so that these "holier-than-thou" EB2s get their misplaced sense of superiority smashed to smithereens, and get to know the pain of waiting for long periods of time.

    Most EB2 justify the need for getting their GCs sooner is because they have been here longer (throwing out numbers like 1995, and such). They dont even realize that the actual "wait counter" starts after filing for GC. If you could not hold on to a job or joined a job that did not sponsor your GC earlier. that is your fault. Not USCIS' not EB3s' yours. Get it. YOURS!.

    If you are so special take some time to read the law. Labour substitution was not defined in the laws, which is why it got explicitly junked. PD porting is part of the law.

    If you want to work on an action item work on 5882.

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  • CADude
    07-05 01:05 PM
    Thank you

    Email and Web Forms of all US SEnators

    Take some time to send the message on Page 1 of this thread.

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  • lonedesi
    08-05 11:16 AM
    Don't we need the consent of the petitioner (employer)? Please see the line item # 15.

    Yes, you will need the consent of your I-140 petitioner (employer) to send this form. So there is no point in sending the form, if you cannot get your employer to sign it. Basically, its an employer petition and hence Ombudsman's office their consent to assist you.

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  • gc_on_demand
    06-10 01:40 PM
    In the last several months, the worldwide demand for immigrant visas in the EB-2 category has been lower than the State Department expected. To make sure that all available EB-2 immigrant visas are used, DOS has, since April, made some unused worldwide numbers available for China and India and will continue to do so in July. If worldwide demand for these visas increases, however, DOS could impose cut-off dates or declare the China or India EB-2 category unavailable, as it did for India in February 2008, possibly even in the middle of the month

    What are chances of Eb2 india will become unavailbale. Core members is there any companign that we can do to move this thing forwards. I called CHC and local lawmakers.


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  • srinivas_o
    09-02 01:40 PM
    Landed in August 2000.
    Company A filed Eb2 labor in Aug 2003, went to backlog center, got an intent to deny letter, replied to that letter, eventually got denied.
    Company B filed EB3 labr in Sep 2004, luckily filed I-485 in July 2007, got EAD.
    Now working for Company C on EAD as an FTE using AC21 memo feature.

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  • jambapamba
    07-06 02:07 PM
    Are they really accepting applications? What do you mean by accpeting!? They are just taking the applications but are not opening it. There is already a queue for opening those....and currently they are opening the applications recieved in Jun20th and around(I am just basing on the 485 applicants submitted around that timeframe and have not recieved a receipt notice yet). They will get to the ones as time goes by.....:rolleyes:

    I doubt it, uscis used up 60k visas in one month just to make sure we dont get any ead, why in the world after doing all this nonsense would they accept our applications.


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  • jonty_11
    07-06 02:02 PM
    They posted the revised bulletin in a hurry. They should have done this on July 2nd. The actual july bulletin consists FB dates and other dates.
    i think they did revise it on July 2nd..didnt they?

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  • admin
    03-02 12:52 PM
    it`s not working

    One needs Realplayer to listen to the hearings. But even then I only get a high pitched sound.


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  • reddymjm
    07-14 10:24 PM
    I feel IV actions are hurting EB3-I more than any one. It just my feeling. I contribited close to $500 and my time.

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  • desi3933
    12-21 04:39 PM

    Most likely your employer needed to file a new labor as well when your profile changed, right?


    Yes. That is correct.

    New I-140 can only be filed with new labor.


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  • sameold
    09-12 10:18 AM
    Hi Milind,

    Just made my first contribution of $100

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 09:39 GMT-05:00
    Google Order #251501666030083

    Thank you Milind for stepping up and motivating people

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  • continuedProgress
    09-10 06:13 PM
    All, lets keep the momentum going.


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  • java_jaggu
    06-04 01:15 PM,0604-lee.shtm

    Based on this article, it looks like even those 140's and 485's filed after the cut-off date will be fine as long as the GC is approved before Oct 1, 2008, so folks will have some breathing time and flexibility to plan their next move, if the bill passes in the current form.

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  • 9years
    10-21 01:54 PM
    Hi All,

    My EB2 I-140 Approved in 2 days (Premium Processing).

    Service Center: Texas
    Application Received Date: 10/12/2010
    Application Approved Date: 10/14/2010

    This is just to share with all of you.

    Thank you.


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  • mirage
    08-18 08:15 AM
    Yesterday I filled up the appointment form of my local congressman. I will try if I can meet him and he could probably write to the public officials or could talk to rep. Zo Lofgren. In my opinion if we can somehow inform Rep. Lofgren, she will certainly do something. She seems really(genuinely) concerned for the plight of Green Card seekers...
    I would request everybody to find out ways and channels to get this information to her....

    i support your efforts and have printed out and sent letters to the people mentioned. Momentum for release of information should build up even if we have 50-100 letters from affected people...otherwise people won't know of EB-3 IND's plight.

    I suppose we should followup with phone calls in 15 days to cement our request. We should have a poll on who all has sent the letter and made the call.

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  • desi485
    11-14 05:36 PM
    It's call reseach topic.. We have to find some USCIS support documents for each case. We need some earlier USCIS decisions for each senarios/theories.

    RG provided few supporting CIS rules in earlier post and seems logical. But not sure if RG or RK is right.

    It's confusing indeed.

    One of IV members 'lazycis' (he is a knowledgable & senior member) also mentioned this, which exactly matches with what RG said:

    so I am sure there are some provisions. I hope 'lazycis' will provide some more info if he sees this post.

    Edit: Chandu - please click this link to read on RG's forums. (


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  • willgetgc2005
    11-11 04:58 PM
    Me in San Diego.Count me in .

    jimi i will be communicating with you soon. i am travelling at this time but soon will touch base to get this rolling. thanks for your efforts

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  • h1techSlave
    04-30 04:58 PM
    I have a feeling that some positive will come out of this meeting. It might appear that USCIS is not understanding our plight. But they are made aware of our situation by this meeting. They sure will respond to our complaints.
    For all those who are upset with the House hearing, please take it easy. Please do not expect the hearing to discuss the details of each and every GC applicant's case. The objective of the hearing was to bring the folks involved in visa bulletins and GC processing, and make them all publically say and agree that Lofgren-Sensenbrenner bill will not flood the country with new people on the borders but at the same time since the federal agencies did not do their job properly, so it would make sense to recapture the visa numbers, and that's it.

    I think that this objective was achieved pretty handsomely without much opposition. So everybody was on the same page, other than Ranking member King, whose job in such meetings is to oppose whatever the committee chair is proposing. Rep. King did not have much to say as Rep. Sensenbrenner has co-sponsored the bill. Noticeably, Rep. Gutierrez supported the bill, which means Hispanic Caucus may not oppose it either, hopefully. So it was all good.

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  • seeking_GC
    07-21 02:30 AM
    In case you have a visa stamped on your passport (even if its expired ) give it to them, also talk to your loan agent at the bank and ask him to pass the details to the underwriter,loan agents dont understand the immigration intricacies but the underwriters do- it may take a few more days but eventually they will approve it.

    08-24 07:59 AM
    If there is abuse of the system, then people should go ahead and complain to USCIS WITH PROOF. Writing hearsay stories on the forum without proof will not help solve anything.

    09-18 08:52 PM
    vparam/ anyone,

    i have 2 questions

    when i move into my own LLC how far do I need to go in terms of documents/ pay-stubs to prove to the USCIS that it's a legitimate company/ job offer? i guess i am a bit confused as to how to present to USCIS my dual role as owner/ employee with 140 job description?

    also from your experiences is it practical (in terms of taxation) to just run your own payroll (from consulting) through your LLC - meaning you are the only employee in your company?

    thanks in advance,

    Ref (Murthy): " Foreign nationals can port their cases to a self-employed position! This is a very favorable stance, as many foreign nationals desire to establish their own companies and, in that way, control their own destinies. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong among many immigrants. The Memo reiterates the need to show that the new position or job is the same or similar. It also states that the new employer and job offer must be legitimate.
    In these situations, the USCIS is to focus upon whether the original job offer was really the intended employment at the time the I-140 and I-485 were filed. That is, the petitioning company must have intended to employ the foreign national beneficiary and the foreign national beneficiary must have intended to accept the position at the time of filing the I-140 and the I-485."
    I think the 2nd paragraph means USCIS might want additional RFEs from your 140 employer later on to prove that original 140 employment offer was valid.

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